I’m wondering if it’s Adam and Jamie, or the build team. Very scary stuff.
Myth: Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
Result: Plausible.
Can I haz that cannon plz?
Is it wrong to find this hilarious? I hope they show the episode.
I’m glad no one was hurt someone could have easily killed by the look of it. I have to say Mythbusters is one of my favourite shows its sad to see that they managed to make a mistake like this. I always thought the ‘Bomb range’ was miles from anywhere… i guess not.
Hate to see their insurance rates now.
Might I suggest some thing bigger than a pistol range next time. I’m sure the army has something.
But I mustn’t be too hard on these guys. Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t cast stones and these guys have a cannon.
Mmm…stone cannon… /homerdrool
They always say the bomb range they use is in Alameda(sp?) and this says Dublin. I don’t know if those are in the same area, but I’m guessing they didn’t think the bomb range was needed or was in use by other parties, so used a different location.
I’m fairly surprised this hasn’t happened sooner since there have been some near misses and uncalculated results. Think about all those times they were at the abandoned shipping yard in San Francisco and things went wrong. I remember one episode they were firing cannonballs and they were surprised the thing went the better part of a mile before landing. There was also the episode where the build team launched a car over the crash wall and realized they never even checked what was on the other side. There is a way to calculate the amount of energy you’re working with, and make predictions based on those numbers. When these things happen it seems like they just said, “this will be good enough,” and skipped the math. I’m by no means an expert, but growing up with an engineer for a Dad means every TV show you watch comes under the scrutiny of the numbers, usually done on a Casio calculator watch during commercial breaks.
Dublin is in Alameda County… Here is a map showing where it is. (I am guessing that one of those two large green patches is where the range is)
You know, over by the nuclear wessels.
It was Carrie, Tory, and Grant. Something about an accidental change in the aim during initial testing.
There was a locations-special they had awhile ago and in it there was a discussion how they blew so much up at a bomb range they had to go to the neighbourhood nearby and apologize.