My Own Worst Enemy 1x01 Breakdown

Anyone sticking around to watch this?

Ill giver her ago…

Why not? Shot her right in the head. Talk about ruining an sorryBarbet.

Its starts off interesting with a gun shot to the head

Reminding me of Talia Winters and the Psi Corp from Babylon 5.

The families dialogue could be better i think…it seemed to…quirky.

He reads spy novels, ooooo can you say suspective mental disorder? Very Journeyman.

Is he playing WOW on a government computer…

Hey, did anyone see Tyler Durgan?

Who’s the computer guy? He looks familiar.

Yes. Yes he is. I knew that guyt that kept killing me was using more processing power.

Yeah he does. And that’s the “blow up the damn ship Jean-Luc” chick!

This definitely seems a lot more like Total Recall than Fight Club.

See thats what happens when you start putting stuff in your brain that dosent belong there. its like picking your nose. its just ends up bad/

His boss at the office was Frau Gruner (not sure on that name) from Austin Powers.

I wonder if everyone at the office is in on it.

I also wonder if there are others like him. It seems excessive to have all this just for one spy.

He played a character named Sumner in Sarah Connor Chron, he was in CSI and 24. Can you say token Arab?

“Send in the CLONE!!”

So true. :slight_smile: