My first post: Wedge's snowspeeder

Hello GWC. Long time listener, 1st time caller:)

Besides listening in and watching sci-fi, I love model making. So [i]I thought I would share my latest work. I thought of building lLuke’s crashed snowspeeder, but went instead with good’ol Wedge tangling the AT-AT’s legs. All comments welcomed and thanks for looking.


sweet dude :slight_smile:

great dry brushing the cockpit and exterior weathering on Wedge’s ride.

Damn impressive.

And welcome aboard!

Awesome! I’ve always wanted a snowspeeder for personal use. Be really handy here in upstate New York come winter.

Dude! Sweet!

that’s frakkin’ awesome! how long did it take you to make?

Nice. Welcome aboard!

Thank you for your thoughts. Revan the kit took roughly 2 weeks since I have been off work. I just hope I can get my Slave 1 done before the contest at the end of the month.

That looks really great!! I’ll have to show the pics to my son, he spends all his time “customizing” various star wars vehicles and figures.