My Fellow Americans 10/31 @ 7 PM ET

If this isn’t OK, go ahead and lock it. I always try to watch this movie around election time.

Sunday, 31 October 2010
7 PM Eastern - 4 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)

“Hail to the chief, if you don’t, I’ll have to kill you. I am the chief, so you better watch your step, you bastards.”

Sorry, don’t have NetFlix, so I don’t know if it’s on Instant Watch

OK, fixed the date in the topic itself.

Oh, and I found the trailer on Youtube.


Calendar says tonight at 7…

Badger sent me a PM about that this morning. I’d originally said tomorrow on the subject but tonight in the post itself. Looks like the calendar has been fixed now.

Do we still do 15 minute offsets for non-live Frak parties?

Anyone else here?

Well, it’s 7:15, so I’m just going to go ahead and start.

“Our dreams are like our children.”

Get used to hearing that. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Are we sure it’s official?”
“Well, President Douglas just conceded. I’d say that’s a pretty good sign.” :smiley:

You know, that is kind of surprising that there hadn’t been any assassionation attempts on ex presidents.

“When you dance with a panda, who leads?” :smiley:

I love the comedy in this movie. For Garner and Lemon not being in movies together before, they had great chemistry here.

I’m sure there have been. There are probably a lot more attempts on sitting presidents than we ever hear about as well.

I appreciate them cutting back and forth in the same scene to tell the backstory.

“I think the ladies tour likes their players to be a bit more masculine.” :smiley:

Love the reporters reactions to the Vice President sticking his whole leg in his mouth there.

“Oh man, I’m getting a cramp.”

Oh yeah, forgot Charlie was that dick Secretary of Defense from Independence Day.

Using the sandwich boy to distract his Secret Service agents is pretty slick.

“Now you know, I enjoy spending time with dead men. Don’t believe me? Go ahead and die. It’ll perk me right up.” :smiley:

Love Kramer using a squirt gun to hijack the chopper.

Then feigning hearing loss when Douglas shoots the radio.