My daughter wants her own show-should we?

Well, the 5 (soon to be 6) year old Pink Sith has decided to start making her own videos and is insisting that I put them online (or as she puts it "on everyone in the world’s computers!)

The main question is: Should I? I know if I do there will be friends and family yelling about putting her online with all the freaks/weirdos/pedifios out there. Should I be worried about this at all or just do it?

We’ve got 2 3-minute episodes recorded (but with no editing) and I think she’s got it in her to rant on many many episodes to come.

Just set up a pseudonymous account and she should be fine.

I’m worried about what she might say. But I supposed it could be edited.

Sure, require that she show you it first, and use it as a teaching moment.

How about a compromise to start out, and set up an emailing list of friends and family that she can send the eps to. In any event I agree that you should have total jurisdiction over what gets sent and what doesn’t.

Have you considered uploading the videos to a Facebook account where they would only be accessible to those you choose to make them accessible to? I’m not sure if you are on FB or not, but you cam customize security on photos and videos. Then as far as she knows they are online for everyone to see, but you have limited who sees them.

Personally I would have trepidation about putting them out on the open internet. There are a lot of creepy, freaky awful people out there. And a lot of them are internet savvy, like my registered sex offender neighbor who molested two little boys. I just wouldn’t risk some personally identifiable info images being in the video and being out on YouTube.

At her age, i would definitely maintain a lot of control over the account. Even at my boys’ ages (13 &16) there’s a ton of stuff I wish they didn’t see and hear. The comments section can be really nasty. I’d also make sure you title things well, so that they’re not too similar to some of the nasty junk.

You can turn off comments, and if you want to keep it just family and friends you can set the vids to private (on a case-by-case basis.)

ETA: I’m refering to youtube, BTW.

I agree with the Facebook idea. If you use a Mac the mobile me site also lets you create password-restricted material that only friends can access.

I put it up on Facebook as a “friends only” thing. So far, no comments. Kinda strange that…

Yea i like the idea of putting up for the friends and family only. I try not to even put up pics of my nieces and nephews sometimes they end up on Facebook but its rare when i do it.

Lots of good ideas here. Facebook video seems the best. I’m not sure if you can make your YouTube account private in the same way, but you can certainly disallow comments. And if you need editing, I know a guy…

Okay it’s me. :rolleyes:

Yes, you can. But if all your friends and family are already on Facebook and not Youtube, that might be easier.

Although, doesn’t FB require real names for accounts still? Youtube doesn’t, which helps a lot.