My BSG Video From 5 Years Ago

Jonolobster here, first-time poster on the forum, long-time listener and lurker, almost since the beginning. I think I got on board around 'Cast #12 and I’ve been listening ever since. I’m breaking radio silence because I have to share this with you guys:

Five years ago, I was a senior in college with a fancy new computer. It came with Windows Movie Maker, so just for fun I made a video that set clips from the Season Two BSG episode “Downloaded” to music from the song “Numb/Encore” by Linkin Park and Jay-Z. I posted the video on YouTube, which at that time was still a pretty new site. The video got a lot of positive feedback on YouTube. It has been blocked several times due to copyright issues, but now it’s back up, hopefully for good. I have never re-uploaded the video, either. It was always there (as the upload date shows), at the mercy of YouTube’s overseers and owners. I recently logged back in to my YouTube account for the first time in ages and was amazed to see that the video is still there. Here it is, by far the geekiest thing I’ve ever done:


In addition to getting positive ratings on YouTube, my video got noticed by the Michael Hinman, the editor of the website SyFy Portal - now called Airlock Alpha. Michael actually interviewed me and wrote an article about the video for his site, which you can read here:

Seeing this article was pretty much the coolest thing that had ever happened to me. That is, until a few months later, when someone else noticed my video and wrote a blog post about it, which you can read here:

Yep, that’s right! My video was featured on by Audra, before there was a forum, before there was annual meet-up, and before Galactica Watercooler dropped the “A”! I had just started listening to the podcast and was hooked, so I was blown away to have my video featured on the site. You can read my somewhat gushy sounding comment of gratitude below Audra’s post. I’ve always considered myself an O.G. even though I’ve never sought recognition. Recently, I’ve started interacting a little bit with GWCers on Twitter, which has been a lot of fun.

In case you’re wondering, I still listen to the 'cast every week. It’s still amazing and I still look forward to each new installment. I’ve discovered so much awesome stuff thanks to the 'Cast and community, and I’ve become much more comfortable in my geek skin. I’ve thought about calling in before, but since I’ve waited five years to post on the forum, I figure I can wait another five before I call in. I just know that the podcast will still be around and the GWC community will still be going strong. I hope everyone has a great time at the meet-up this weekend! I wish I could be there, too!

In honor of the video’s fifth anniversary and the third annual meet-up, I’m re-dedicating this video to Audra, Chuck, Sean, and the entire GWC community for letting me be a part of their family… even though they didn’t know it!

“So for one last time, I need y’all to roar:” “So say we all!”

Welcome aboard, Jono (and about time!)

I know the feeling of seeing a vid show up more or less randomly on a site you visit a lot. It’s a great “WTF?” moment.

Awesome! I remember that video well! Five years ago I was a sophomore in college with a fancy new computer, and rather then be creative I just watched youtube videos! :smiley:

Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here.

Thanks, Pike! Good to be aboard! Was honestly stoked to see it show up on the GWC blog, when I had just started listening to the 'cast. I was already hooked though!

Thanks, Fenatic! Glad you enjoyed the video back in the day!

great, love all the boomer clips.

Thanks, hansioux. Notice the “story” of the video is really told from the POV of Boomer in the Tub o’ Goo.