
Okay, so I was looking up MST3K on Google video and found this:

It is movie called Space Mutiny and uses a lot and I mean A LOT of OG clips. For a quick look skip to about 10 min. into the ep and just watch, you will be amazed.

Yes! That’s one of their best ones, but strangely enough, they never mention BSG, even though there are numerous scenes were the huge “BATTLESTAR GALACTICA” text can be seen on the landing pods. The end battle scene is hilarious.

I also recommend checking out “The Film Crew” DVDs. It’s got Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, and Kevin Murphy. Bill and Kevin were the 'bots on MST3K and Mike was, well, himself. They do really great commentaries for B-movies. I watched the fine caveman exploitation film “The Wild Women of Wongo” last night and I have another one to watch tomorrow. Really funny stuff. One of the movies is about a stripping (future) Golden Girl. Mmm…

Hmm… mabey I should e-mail mike about doing a BSG re-imagined rifftrax…

Yah, that would be great! I love rifftrax!

Very weird to see the BSG flying backwards. I wonder if that was just an error, or if they figured nobody would notice that it’s the same ship if it goes backwards?

Also, I didn’t know that you can start at any frame in (that is, you don’t have to buffer everything that comes before it.) Very cool!


I so miss MST3K. Awesome discovery tho…I can download video from Google and sync with my Ipod. Now I know what I’ll do when I finish my GWC catchup!

I’m trying to imagine Estelle Getty stripping off wrinkled pantyhose. I bet they’d be “alpaca tan” hose, too (thanks Solai!).

Well, it was actually Rue McClanahan. I wish it would have been Bea Arthur because of her “stunning” work on the Star Wars Holiday Special. She has a bit in the cantina and starts a congo line. Yeah.