most informative podcast BSG

I’ve really enjoyed the podcast and it’s direction that it took after BSG finished. I’ve enjoyed the arcs and either re-watching old stuff that I enjoyed or finding new things to watch that I didn’t either have time to see it or didn’t think I would enjoy it when it first aired.

I’ve never podcasted, but I’m sure talking about one show for a long time, like GWC did during BSG, can get old. As a listener I’ve enjoyed the new format with a changiong topic.

I didn’t post it on the forum, but I did think mashing several of the arcs together at once like what happened earlier this spring 2010 might take too much time for listeners to keep up with. I barely kept up with them myself. I still liked the content of the podcast, though.

I am curious about what your suggestions would be to make the podcast better. Is there something else out there, some other format maybe, that is interesting to you? Is there some specific material that you would like to hear about?

Wow. I’ll say it. Douche.

Badger, feel free to ban me.

Ok. That is another direction one could go. I could delete this and PM you wondering what you were thinking, but that would be a little too Logan’s Run.

But seriously. Dude. Really?

Yeah, not really the direction we want to go here.

I’m sorry S. Just sick of seeing people take a dump on what we have here. Trolls suck. So used to smart, friendly, non-combative here. And imho, Sabixx is nothing but a hatefull troll.

Duh. Thanks Cas. You’re totally right. That’s a much easier way to enjoy the RDM podcasts. And the DVDs have both the podcast commentary and also commentary done just for the DVD.

He/She is a person with an opinion. What you make of that is what you make of that.

Hi Sabixx. I’m not a Mod. Just somebody who happens to love this podcast, and this community. You don’t seem to share an affection for either. I’m sorry for that. Your loss.

Just thot I’d drop by to say hey, sabixx, and to say that you’re welcome to dislike the podcast, Caprica, or whatever. Sorry to hear that you don’t enjoy GWC, but you certainly shouldn’t feel bad about that. Thankfully there are lots of podcasts out there, including many that focus on BSG and Firefly specifically. Listen to what makes you happy. :slight_smile:

I know the BSG cast itself did a few podcast episodes, here:

And I’ve heard of another show “Galactica Quorum,” but never listened to it. It appears to still be running, though:

Just caught up with thus thread. Wow!
All I have to say is GWC, the Crue and the Forum have kept me interested and smiling these past 4 yrs (not to mention sane). I hope it continues for a very long time.

Wow. Way to hang in there.

Boom, boom, boom.

Thanks Pike.

Like two a regular show and ones specifically identified as voice mail shows is a lot? Weird.

My favourite non-GWC cast was this one called Galactica Dradis. They got started late (their first show was a recap of seasons one thru three) but for my money the four hosts had a great chemistry. After BSG ended they want on to cover the last season of LOST.

There was also Galactica Quorum- Not bad, but their eps only averaged around 30 minutes (a 30 minute podcast, really? GWC spoiled me something FIERCE!) and they would get way too critical for my particular tastes. I had to drop them when, for the 1.27 millionth time, they trashed random show X by comparing it to Heroes.

There may have been a few other BSG shows, but they were pretty short lived.