In the sprit of reimagined stories such as the new Battlestar Galactica, I am curious to know if there are any other old programs out there that BSG fans might liked to see redone as BSG was. I might be wrong with this, but I have always considered the newer version to not only be darker in content but to be more realistic and practical than the first version was.
Personally I would like to see the original Star Trek series redone in such a manner. Where there is still the use of money, maybe the Earth is not fully united, the phasers are replaced by actual physical weapons and to frak with the universal translator.
I would also like to see a reimagined version of the vampire/cop show Forever Knight; the show was dark for the day but now fifteen years later it too could be done so well.
Anyone else have any sci fi/fantasies they would like to see come back in a new form?