More BSG Style Reimagined Television Shows???

In the sprit of reimagined stories such as the new Battlestar Galactica, I am curious to know if there are any other old programs out there that BSG fans might liked to see redone as BSG was. I might be wrong with this, but I have always considered the newer version to not only be darker in content but to be more realistic and practical than the first version was.

Personally I would like to see the original Star Trek series redone in such a manner. Where there is still the use of money, maybe the Earth is not fully united, the phasers are replaced by actual physical weapons and to frak with the universal translator.

I would also like to see a reimagined version of the vampire/cop show Forever Knight; the show was dark for the day but now fifteen years later it too could be done so well.

Anyone else have any sci fi/fantasies they would like to see come back in a new form?

I’ve always wanted a dark, gritty…
Mary Tyler Moore Show.

Georgette, newsman Ted Baxter’s cute, sweet wife, is in fact Minneapolis’ most ruthless drug czar, and a stone cold killer.
Mr Grant, Mary’s boss, is hopelessly addicted to heroin to dull the pain of his unrequited love for news writer Murray Slaughter, and has embezzled thousands to pay for his habit. A yearly financial audit will soon uncover his transgressions.
Ted Baxter, news anchor, hides his secret passion for transsexual prostitutes with constant explanations of an upcoming news special.
Murray Slaughter, unaware of his boss’ love, has just won a Pulitzer. His darkest fears, however, may come to light…the story was completely plagiarized from an obscure Nazi propaganda film, and someone has just emailed him threatening to out him.
Mary Tyler Moore and Rhoda murdered Mary’s husband years ago, and bricked his body in behind one of the walls in Rhoda’s apartment. Now the building owners, who have strong ties to the Russian Mafia, want to renovate, and are pressuring Rhoda to take another apartment. Mary and Rhoda consider enlisting the aid of Sue Ann Nivens, the Happy Homemaker, whose father, Rex Nivens, is Minneapolis’ most corrupt District Attorney.

Wackiness Ensues.

I think that’s a cool idea, especially with Star Trek. It would probably piss off a lot of the fans; they do get a little overly protective of TOS. But I would definitely watch it. I also thought Forever Knight had a lot of potential that was never realized.

I seem to recall this might already be in the works, but I think this could be done much, much better the second time around.


Oh Man, I’d love to see LR redone !! The book was kind of weird (to my 14 yr old mind), but I loved it, and the movie was very good for it’s time, and included, sorry ladies, the first topless scene I’d ever seen…But I ran around my yard with a homemade Sandman’s gun and blasted runners for weeks!

It’s being redone. Stay tuned for more info.

Top gun, you, sir, are a genius! GENIUS!

Logan’s Run would be a great one to see redone!!!

Okay, I know it’s kinda cheesy, but I’d love to see Buck Rogers redone. Post-apocalyptic future on Earth. Perhaps there could be a switch between the Terrans and the Draconians and Buck ends up working for them.

I want to see a redo of MacGyver.

A Darker, Grittier MacGyver !! Faced with a life or death situation, he forms a convex lens from a chunk of ice and uses it to burn ants all day. Giggling.

Actually, there’s an already grittier and darker (yet cheeky at the same time. Go figure!) version of McGyver on the air: Burn Notice. A much cooler show than McGyver ever was too.

Well ! I just went on the Burn Notice website and am now interested !! Another series I knew nothing about but will now look into !! I do recall this one being mentioned earlier this year though, was it you, A ? Thanks for the heads up.
How’s your week going, Dad ? I continue to be very very happy for you, every time I think of you and your family. For awhile it was, (in all truth), hard to check on your… “Thoughts…” thread because I was afraid of what might be transpiring…so glad that Elena is home and with her Mom and Dad !!

I would like to see this redo also. Except for the babalicious Erin Grey, the show disturbed even my (at the time) kid level of sensibilities. And now? It gives me a desire to gargle with Drain-O to burn those images out of my mind. Just don’t let the writers of Flash Gordon do it.

I was hoping that the new Flash Gordon would have been able to fit the bill like Galactica did, but the writing is just not up to the task. I didn’t think it was that bad, but it wasn’t that great, and then I saw the latest episode with a magic soul sphere and an evil sister trying to kill the good sister, and that killed it for me. You know how you can watch a good show for a few episodes and be on the fence but then you see the great episode that ties thing together and you can then see the greatness? This was the opposite for me. I was on the fence and then this episode showed me that this show is not good.

Ouch !! OK, this officially ends any desire I had to see the new Buck Rodgers. Sorry Skiffy !!

I still think a redo of Buck Rogers would be great, but you would need Joss Whedon or RDM do do it right, because either a Firefly-ish or Galactica-ish redo would really work for Buck Roger. Or maybe have the team that did Farscape do BR. :cool:

But, if I were to find out that the writers of Flash Gordon :eek: were doing it, it would be Drain-O time. And I promise not to Bogart the whole bottle.

well one show I did see was coming back from an 80’s show. Its knight Rider and kit is now a Mustang…

OK, NOW, I think I’ll swear off of remakes.

You know, whenever I think of Joss W and RDM in the same thought I have to take a very cold shower and shake it off…I can’t even imagine how great a team those two would make !!! All I want for Christmas is a JW/RDM teamup !!!

Thanks, TopGun. The week is going fine. We’re rather sleep deprived now, which makes thing really fun. I figure I have another two, three days before I start hallucinating, though, and the semester ends Friday (since I’m not giving any finals). SO…hopefully I’ll be able to repay some of my sleep deficit soon. (My wife is in worse shape, though, so I’ve been tending to take as much of the nighttime shift as possible.) It also doesn’t help that my school’s orchestra is playing a piece of mine tomorrow night and I’ve had to be in rehearsals last night and again tonight (so I can’t be here and get credit, as it were, for earlier care times).

I think it may have been me who mentioned “Burn Notice” earlier this year. It’s a summer show and I don’t know if episodes are available for free online or if there’s a DVD set of season 1 coming (I’m sure there’ll be something out there before season 2 starts up next year). It wouldn’t have been a show I would’ve gotten into on my own, but my wife likes mysteries and started watching it and got me into it. It’s quirky enough and has enough of a serial spin (while managing to retain strong stand alone arcs too) that I got really into it.