Yeah, it is a bit nicer now. Mostly go there for 40K stuff (which I don’t have time to mess with either).
I used to be into model trains as a kid (had a bunch of HO scale stuff set up on an old ping pong table), most of the stuff is still around in storage somewhere but I don’t have nearly enough room to do anything with it these days. Its on my list of stuff to get back into when I get a house.
“Thank god for model trains. If they didn’t have model trains, they wouldn’t have gotten the idea for the big trains.”
Each individual has compelling reasons to love model railroading. But beneath these varied reasons are common threads that make it an awesome hobby for everyone
Watching the small trains takes us back to a time when life seemed simpler and slower, and values seemed more pronounced. In that era, a train ride was more than just a means to get from Chicago to New York City (although it was that, too). The ride itself in the Pullman cars was the thrill, the luxury, and the relaxing aspect of the event.