MLP: Friendship is Magic, eps. 15 & 16

Was that the first time we saw fire Twilight?

“You shall not pass!”

“We live on a spaceship, dear.”


Holy CROM! Twilight becomes evil fire monster pony. gasp

But seriously, Twilight believing is the doozey? That’s just wrong. I think I see where the science people have a problem with how this one turns out.

“…it just means you have to choose to believe in them.”

She said to the godlike mistress of Equestria. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I keep going back and forth on this one. I sorta see where they were trying to go, but I don’t think they got there.

OK, 9:30 for the next one. Start streaming.

No, seriously. Is it?

To quote Miss Hoover from The Simpsons: “Is a little blind faith too much to ask?” :stuck_out_tongue:

Most of the time I count myself as an agnostic, so I under stand the idea that sometimes you just have to admit you don’t know for sure what’s going on, and just accept it, but it just doesn’t sit quite right with me anyway. I’d have to see it a couple more times–maybe then I’d be able to put my finger on what about it just doesn’t work for me. For the time being I’ll just have to take it on faith. :wink:

And… ponies are GO!



The problem is that science isn’t supposed to explain everything… now. The more we learn, the more we realize we don’t know. That doesn’t necessarily mean that such things are inherently unknowable, just that we can’t understand them right now. For instance, radiation was never magical, but it was possible to understand without already understand atomic theory.

Fluttershy is just never going to get the idea of yelling, not unless she’s under some ginormous stress. :slight_smile:

Is Rainbow gonna make time flow backwards?

You rock, woo hoo. :slight_smile:

Oh, she gets it. Just stick with us :wink:

Or break the sound barrier…

spoiler!?! :smiley:

Wait. You did see a sonic rainboom, Pinkie.

There’s a Brony podcast that uses Fluttershy’s “Yay” instead of a bleep when they have to censor someone. Makes you read this episode a bit differently…

All that grunting is unwholesome. :eek: