MLP: Friendship Is Magic ep. 1

She slayed the dragon! :eek:

Yeah, lets do ep 3 & 4 next week at 9 eastern. :slight_smile:

Sure, why not?

Rainbow wins the hubris challenge. :slight_smile:

The Shadow Ponies are cool. I’d totally join them.

The elements are within me. ?

That part totally reminded me of the Fifth element scene at the end in the temple

Very cool, but still a gang.

The all spark?

So is Twilight Sparkle going to make out with Bruce Willis now?

Hooray! Pony bling! :smiley:

So Princess Celestia still rules absolutely, but now her sister is just subservient to her instead of eternally imprisoned.

The moral ambiguity is troubling. :eyebrow:

How many eps are you guys doing? I wish you were at 8 instead of 9.

No idea. These sorts of things tend to take on a life of their own. :slight_smile:

I wish you were at 8 instead of 9.

If wishes were ponies, we’d all be eating steak. :smiley:

It is so scary in that mind of yours…

More power to the current pony fans, as I was around when the original pony craze hit. That means I feel old, and the current craze makes just want to say “oy” to the whole thing.

I’m not even Jewish.

Thanks, but that’s bit more Joss Whedon’s than mine. :stuck_out_tongue:

All this has happened before, all this will happen again. :rolleyes:

I was almost a teenager when they first came out, so I think I’m feeling older than you. :slight_smile: So we can both Oy Vey our way to the old folks home. :wink:

I remember the originals too, which is part of the reason I find this new incarnation so fascinating.