“Has that been tested?
Are you kidding. There machines are way too expensive.”
60% atmosphere.
50% atmosphere
40% atmosphere
Clever idea to find the hull leak.
30% atmosphere
20% atmosphere
Woody finds the leak.
10% atmosphere
Pressure stabilized.
Woody to Mars:
“Hello, beautiful”
Unbeknownst to the crew, the fuel tanks have been damaged.
Explosion !!
No vehicle control.
Abandon ship.
The crew has to EVA to meet the Remo.
Great scenes.
Teri, you’re whistling in the dark.
Woody is brave. Off he goes to reach the REMO.
This scene is nerve-wracking
How awful.
Woody snags the REMO with the tether, thus saving the crew,
but he couldn’t get purchase himself, and now he’s drifting past the REMO,
and falling towards Mars.
Woody to Mars:
Hello beautiful
The crew (sans Woody) make it to the REMO.
Teri refuses to give up on Woody and hurls herself after him with the tether.
Teri stops and fires the tether - an arm’s length too short.
“I can’t let you die”
He opens his helmet and dies
Jim pleads with Terri to return to the REMO.
In shock, Terri returns.