
I haven’t seen many people here (actually none) that have seen/heard of MineCraft. Looking at it now, it really doesn’t seem to be a type of game many of you would play. It’s a sand-box do whatever game (Google it and search it on Youtube). Perhaps you would like to play…?


We had a big thread on this a few months ago:


Awesome game, I play on an SMP server with some friends.

Yeah I’m a pretty big fan, though it’s not really scifi/fantasy except the existence of zombies and stuff like that so I never thought of mentioning it here.

The game takes a lot more time/effort for the payoff than I’m generally willing to give, so I tend to start a world, fiddle for a few hours/days, get bored, learn about a new update, and repeat.

I’d argue that it is a fantasy game because of the midevil theme of the armor and weapons. Also its a lot of fun to build castles :smiley: But it is the most fun I’ve had in a game that has no way to win and pretty much no story line or point. If anyone plays it, I’d recommend checking out some servers and seeing what others have done.

minecraft is awesome but now i cant play it cause my graphics card can handed it and they havent fix the browser addition

Holy crap…my boy is so into this game. I’m really impressed with the amount of detail and attention he’s given it. Think virtual Lego…mine, dig, build, combine…anything. Awesome. i mean, let’s be clear…I’d like him to actually see the sun and daytime sky at some point in his life…but for today, at least, we’re mining and found a new dungeon!


welcome mine crack once you dig a hole you’ll never see light of day!

Both my girls love this game. They saw me playing and wanted in on it. There is nothing else like it.