Well, since we have a nice new Doctor Who area, why not start with a discussion of the newest Episode - midnight. This espisode was written by Russel T Davis. I found this one – odd. Odd. Odd. Odd. Not Ood odd – weird odd.
In the previous BBC commentary Moffat and Davis were discussing the fact that the Doctor was not a super hero type but a rather regular fellow who managed to B.S. his way through and out of trouble. They basically suggested that his main talents were the fact that he was clever and has a silver tongue. I remember thinking the comment was oddly placed and now I am wondering if they weren’t actually commenting on this episode. Once the spirit from Midnight started effecting the passangers and they turned on the Doctor all of his usual glibbness and cleverness just angered them more. I suppose that was the point of the episode. To show the doctor’s strenghts turned against him.
During the previous BBC commentary Tennant had mentioned that Midnight was his favorite episode of the season. While I don’t share his opinion, I can see why he holds it. He really had to showing his acting chops on this one. He started with his usual veneer of casual cheekiness and went right into his usual self assured take charge control; and then he completely lost it – the glibbness, the authority and control. I’m not sure I liked the Doctor’s character stripped bare of absolutely everything. But it was an interesting choice and I’m not surprised it came from Moffat.
BTW, any theories on what happened between the Doctor and Sky/Midnight? Obviously Sky wasn’t released by the Midnight entity and since the entity wanted the Doctor thrown out of the plane I’m guessing it was not in the Doctor. I guess the entity just wanted the Doctor out of the way and singled him out because he was too strong. But then, once it had him, why try to get him booted?
Also, why did the attendant have to sacrifice herself? Why not just chuck Sky out or wait for the 6 seconds and chuck her out. I think it was a bit out of character for the attendant to sacrifice herself like that. She didn’t seem the type.
Midnight was shown in the spot usually reserved for the “doctor lite” story. Since this was no “doctor lite” and considering the previews I’m thinking next week will be Doctor lite and companion heavy.
All in all, a pleasant diversion. I’m still giving top marks to Silence in the Library.