Mass effect Spoiler thread

Just thought we could start a thread to talk about Mass Effect, but to be considerate to those who don’t want to be spoiled.

Not really plot just a side mission
I just finished exploring one of the planets and well; I came up with my experience

(Samuel L Jackson Voice)

So here I am landing on and Ice planet but it damn cold so I get into my Tank and start heading towards this signal shit. And its all cool everything going good and bam this Giant Mother frack’in snake comes out of the snow, my tank is cart wheeling through the Air so I uses my jets but the only makes this shit worse, eventually, I hit ground and we’re out of there, but as I leave, I think to myself, What’s your name?


I asked you what’s your name,

That’s right it’s Shepard and Shepard just don’t run away from scary ass 4 story tall snake, so I turns myself around and head back thinking, I’m hungry and snake sure looks tasty, Snake comes up and 5mm Cannon take his ass down. So I get myself a data disk, and look at those synthetic chumps that were snake food and head to their base.

Again everything seems cool turn the corner and bam rocket and shit all over the place, Now Balls or not, my momma didn’t raise no fool, so we back off, look to my buddy, that’s what sniper rifle is for, and I take those Mother fracker’s out, cold and quiet but there still this ugly ass metallic spider, But as I see it kills myself a snake kills myself a spider, could have used the 50mm but decided I would give the fracker a fighting chance, and walked up to his ass took him out old school Just me, and my crew.

We started to leave thinking it’s over and than those Magnificent synthetic space bastards drop in more troops, We get’s into the tank, deliver them to Machine Heaven by putting them through hell, and than we go home, for Hot chocolate with marshmallows in it and tasty fresh snake meat.

(As an aside I died like 10 times before finishing it)

How did everyone finish the game? I saved the council and chose Captain Anderson to be the new human represenitive. I am playing though again, though this time as a ruthless female sniper.

I choose the same lucky. What interested me the most now while playing through it again is what characters they will put in the next game assuming they continue with sheppard. I mean will they let you have ashley or kaiden (I always scarifice him) or will they just assume you killed Wrex and if you read the book before hand 99% will choose anderson cause the ambassador is a sack of shit. So I am hoping Bioware eventually comments on it cause its high on my list of what’s going to happen next list.

I have to wonder if mass effect 2 will use new characters. It would kind of make sense if they did. If they don’t, then I imagine they will have no choice but to accept a paragon ending. In some ways I kind of hope for new, but equally powerful characters.

The story of the game intrigued me enough to order the mass effect book. I noticed they borrowed heavily from; Enders game, BSG, B5, Starship Troopers, and Star trek . I tend to think of it more as homage, rather than a rip off.

BTW, I would never, ever side with that ambassador. When he grounded my team, I wanted to shoot him in the face.

Ok… let it begin. I haven’t been on in a week because of two things. firstly it was thanksgiving and my older cousins were over. Secondly I shut my self off from the world to completely finish Mass Effect because I didn’t want to be spoiled what so ever. Which surprising or not, is harder than you might think. But it did pay off however much I may never know, but when I finished I was left with a smirky grin across my face.

I can’t wait for number two now. Because I know this was just the start, and I believe like most of its followers that the sequels will be whats impressive. I think that we, who stay with Mass Effect, are definatly in for one hell of a ride.

As far as your choice at the end and how it will effect the other games… Strait from BioWare’s mouth

Oh yea and that ambassador was to critical to ever be a good leader and therefore would not justly represent humanity on the new council. Who wouldn’t choose Anderson?

OMG that would be insanely awesome if what they said in that pic is true. One thing I would say I want from the second game is:

  1. Meet the batarians (for events that took place in the book) so I can kick some of there ass
  2. Get a Salarian teammate
  3. Have Anderson punch more people in the face (that was such a great scene)
  4. An easier merchant system (when I used Tali in my squad I could never find armor for her or get a merchant to have a good piece for her, it was really annoying)

And probably many other things but I will have to sit down and really think about it.

Yea, I never used anyone except the Alliance Req. Officer in the Normandy. But, Tali’s gotta some pretty good stats on her own, Never really needed to upgrade her armor. Would be nice though since all shes got is a lowely pistol, or in other words her offence is not great. Better armor should complement that fact.

Just finished and i got to say best game i have ever played. nothing else even comes close.

FInished all paragon and goodie goodie.

So i will hold off for a time and play it through as an ass. i mean a renegade.

but still the folks at Bioware should be proud

Did you let the council die, and kill soverign or did you save them?

I saved them i figured if your going to be good, might as well save them dumb ass aliens, then killed Soverign

I don’t have an Xbox so have to ask; does the game have the standard “BioWare TwistTM” where the main character has a Dark SecretTM in their past that even they are unaware of?

a twist equal to discovering Darth Revans fate? not so much i am afraid.

Mass effect has ruined me for other games, see i have assasins creed just sitting around, with no interest in playing it, or my other games. bioshock still holds my interest some; but there not even in the same class

i finally got it
one of the few games that goes under the ‘art’ category

Assassin’s Creed is really fun … sometimes repetivitive but fun. (I got all the achievements out of it) Bioshock I am currently playing through again since the new achievements and new plasmids.

Just finished my second play through, this time as a renegade. Even though some of the choices I made left me feeling dirty, there was a peculiar sense of satisfaction letting the council die. Which ending did everyone like better: renegade or paragon? Personally, I am still going to go with paragon.

I have one thing and one thing only to say about the ending and it is this:


he gives kara a run for her money, man what I would pay to see those two fly together.

finished with renegade(mostly)
i felt dirty about some of the things i did
i killed wrex, but relised that i really liked him and reloaded a new save
the endin was sastifiying though i liked being able to kill the council
i also chose to have the romance option with ashley(i was a male) and saved her. im restarting as a paragon adept, and taking kaiden.

what pissed me off was you NEEDED charm/intimidate to save wrex.
who did you guys take in your party. i took ash/wrex the whole time b/c i thought they were interesting ppl

thats ME2 hopefully

Try playing as a paragon next time Boxey. You will feel better about yourself, trust me.