Mass Effect 3?

Hey, I’m sure I’m not the only one on these forums geeking out over this series right now! Hit me up on Xbox Live if anybody wants to play some multiplayer, my gamertag is “insurgentt”.

As for GWC, I need to catch up with some of the podcasts. Hopefully they’ll cover ME3 in one of them, since they covered the previous games before.

Not sure if you’re a spammer or not, but if you’re not:

Mass Effect News!

Mass Effect 3 Spoiler Thread

And the last 2 podcasts and next one have been about Mass Effect. One focused just on ME 3 will probably have to wait a while, since the one after that is the International Meetup and they need time to finish the game before discussing it.

Not a spammer, have no fears, I am an actual fan of geekdom.