My favorite random VA encounter was on one of those N7 missions. I was running around with my fem!Shep and all of a sudden I hear my Shep’s voice yelling out something but it wasn’t Shep talking. It was very odd to hear Jennifer Hale during the game when Shepard wasn’t talking. Maybe they thought it wouldn’t be as recognizable for some reason but I can pick out her voice anywhere, even under accents.
Just out of interest has anyone played a game where they put Uidina on the council. I can never seem to bring myself give that jerk anything especially at the expense of Captain Anderson. How does the story differ?
I haven’t been able to do it either and have wondered the same thing. Although I’d wager that a lot of people new to the ME universe probably played the game that with Udina as they had no vested interest in the Anderson vs. Udina choice.
Oops. True only if there are three options.
If there are only two right side conversation options, the middle neutral response can be the Renegade response. Likewise with only middle and bottom options showing, the middle can be Paragon. This is an exception to the customary top choice is good and bottom is bad rule. Same as ME1. Doh.
Example: Okeer taunts Shepard with his/her past actions on Virmire. Paragon +2 top response: It was a tough decision. Renegade -2 middle response: I did what I had to do. The Okeer exchange has a total of four alignment questions for a maximum +8. Alternate outcomes can be +4/0/-2, +4/-4, etc.
Another stumbling block are missions that abruptly end to the mission summary screen. Delayed alignment notification popups can be omitted. (Bug!) Sometime later you’ll notice a little red (or a little unwanted blue) mysteriously showing in the squad screen. When? How? Where? Rollback to the last mission save, check squad screen, change the conversation, end to mission summary, check squad screen. Mordin, “Inefficient. Time consuming. Tedious! The path to purity is arduous.”
I don’t, but will report any showstoppers along the way. Alignment shifts are immediate direct results of single actions or responses. Same as ME1.
At first, I thought if you turned your team to the dark side during their loyalty missions (and you certainly can!) they come to value life less than they would under Paragon leadership. Because the end game can be a real bloodbath if you let it. But it turns out that Samara, the thousand year old matriarch level biotic, is simply incompetent as a fire team leader. :rolleyes:
I did for the renegade I made in ME2. Council dead, Udina council, Wrex dead, Ashley dead. Just an extra scene with Udina barging in on Shepard and Anderson. We will have to see what happens in ME3 but I like that Shepard was on her own this time. I have had quite enough of all the bitching, moaning and can’t do attitudes. That is why (in my main game) Kaiden is long dead, I said see ya to Ashley and will take out the new council myself given the chance.
Here is a clip of basically the same conversation I had with Udina.
Anyone else think Jacob is the new Kaiden? :rolleyes:
I am surprised at how many of the conversations or side quests that are just gone if you don’t import a character, especially on Illium. Totally worth playing through ME1 first to have an import.
I am surprised at just how hard Bioware made it to like your crew from ME1. Ash/Kaidan completely blow you off and I’m convinced they purposefully made the important part of Shepard’s interactions with Liara (but since I could never hate her they didn’t do a good job there). Then they made me lose respect for Garrus and Tali since both of them will start a relationship with Shepard even if you have a relationship going on with someone from ME1. They destroyed the sense of camaraderie I felt among the ME1 crew.
I haven’t been able to play a brand new character in ME2 because I would totally miss the random encounters with people from ME1.
From that video I’m glad I didn’t pick Uidina. I thought that maybe he might have been the right choice during my conversation with Anderson but obviously not, he’s still the same jerk.
I don’t think it will make a big difference either way. Udina is a douche so that’s why I didn’t choose him in my main character.
I have the feeling that ME3 will be similar to ME2 in that we will have to gather up a crew, except on a much larger scale. To fight what is coming we will have to gather alliances from all the races and organizations around. Maybe each of our crew will command a group of ships? Either way Anderson should still have the Alliance resources at his disposal (He is still an Admiral). At my request he will kick Udina square in the nuts and hijack the fleet to back Shepard up.
If you do it with Anderson as councilor Udina still comes in but Anderson is like “dude stfu go away”
My renegade is developing a very nice Sharingan of her own.
Yeah I know. Anderson was great, his tone was ‘go to your room and think about what you’ve done’.
Many Ashley/Kaidan fans are aghast (:p) at her/his schizophrenic reunion with Shepard. First she/he praises him as a god, then vilifies him for being a traitor. There’s some bad blood at the Bioware forums for raining so cold on the romance. Some have given up on Ashley in disgust. (Let’s face it, are there any Kaidan fans?)
One great thing about ME2 is that appearances can be deceiving. Cereberus, the Geth… even Ashley Williams. All together now, the official Prima Strategy Guide sucks. This isn’t in there.
If you are continuing a ME1 character with Ashley/Kaidan as your LI and want to keep the hearth burning, talk her/him to carefully when you meet. Do not defend yourself at any time. Back down at every opportunity. Just choose the obvious “I’m total Shepard wuss” option each time. It’s a lot to crow to eat for +4 (?) Paragon points.
Should you do so, you’ll get the clearest confirmation ME1 relationships can be further explored in ME3.
[spoiler]Much later after Horizon, after completing the first mission from the Illusive Man’s second round of three dossiers, you’ll receive a NormandyMail from Ashley. It’s a heartfelt personal apology for her harsh words on Horizon. She’s found her sanity and admits it’s not Cereberus after all but the Collectors who are responsible for the abductions. She closes with a quote from Tennyson’s Ulysses. Nice touch. [/spoiler]
Ah hell! I want my money back for the guide!
Gah! I just did Zaeed’s loyalty mission. Of course, I took the paragon route. Of course, I’m lacking the necessary level to make him loyal anyway…
So, that’s his and Jack’s I need to redo.
I didn’t wuss it up, I was like “Hey I’m using them to get crap done etc” and still go the email. The email is the only reason I didn’t cheat.
Since I finally figured out how to post game pics, I’m going to post one here to ask if anyone has had any funny bugs.
My Shep here tried to jump over a barrier and instead was thrown straight into the air unable to get down. The game kept going and she had to watch helplessly as Grunt got himself killed. Very odd. Funny really.
Another time, Shep again tried to jump a barrier and was pulled into some machinery – stuck.
I recall in ME1, during the fight with Liara’s mother, my Shep would be pulled right out of the room and find herself stuck on some pedistal in a dark no man’s land. She could see the outline of the room in the distance.
Anyone else see any funny bugs?
Edit: Oh, and forgot the time Zaeed spent quite a few minutes walking around about 10 feet off the ground. Didn’t seem to bother him though.
I do love how your squad members will randomly stand on cover instead of actually using it for cover. My favorite bug so far was in one game I walked into Mordin’s clinic and while attempting to talk to one of his helpers Shep got stuck in the ceiling. I could look at down at everyone in the clinic but I couldn’t go anywhere or do anything.
Actually all the carry over ME1 romances were handled badly. At least the Ash/Kaidan interaction didn’t have a dialogue that is so bloody easy to miss that a lot of people don’t get to see it. Although I think Bioware did that one on purpose because it does give a semi-spoiler for the Redemption comic. You get one shot to ask Liara and if you miss it that’s it for that playthrough. I honestly think they tried to make it hard for you to stay loyal to your ME1 LI, most of my Shep’s will be loyal though because I can’t make them cheat on Liara.
There are Kaidan fans, all the Shenko fic out there is proof of that, the Garrus and Tali fans are just the most vocal over at Bioware forums. Kaidan, Ash and Liara all have their dedicated fans but they’ve never been as vocal on the Bioware forums as Garrus and Tali fans, at least not in my experience.
Holster your weapon temporarily. Then you can move them around and get the game’s brain un-stuck and then start shooting again!
Shouldn’t this post be in the ME2 Romance thread? IYKWIM
I had the exact same thing happen the first time through and hasn’t happened since.
On another note, I just had the greatest conversation with a racist Asari.