Anyone else followed Marvel’s summer blockbuster event “Secret Invasion” which just ended with issue #8 this past week? I thought it was pretty good (or as good as a “big event” can get), though a bit slow at times (maybe 5 or 6 issues should have been enough to tell the whole story?). I’m almost more excited by the final 2 pages and what it means for the future (or at least the next 2 years) of the Marvel Universe.
I really enjoyed Secret Invasion, until about issue 3, when it just felt… blah blah blah… and that last issue? er… a tad rushed methinks, too much story in that one issue, and not enough in the others.
I would be excited by “Dark Reign”, but they have to put Emma Frost in the Dark illuminati don’t they? She might be a nasty, mean, cold-hearted bitch, but she wouldn’t buddy up with the baddy brigade.
Marvel’s done too many big events lately, think about it, since House Of M there’s ALWAYS some massive crossover that makes no sense unless you read New Avengers AND Mighty Avengers AND Uncanny X-Men AND captain jinky-pants.
I totally agree with you Naughtiest Monkey, they probably should have condensed issues 3-5.
Is Emma really going all White Queen on us again? Is it a plot to try to figure Norman Osborn’s next moves? Does Cyclops know about it?
On a side note, I was happy to see Mockingbird back from the dead, she was a pretty good fit to Hawkeye.
Actually the vast majority of the crossovers have very little to do with X-men so it’s not really necessary reading.
Beyond that I think that Emma is there cause well, the old government didn’t help the Mutants at all and since they’re right on the brink of extinction She and Cyke are gonna do whatever’s necessary to keep the species alive.
I’ve no doubt Emma would do anything to keep mutants safe (same with Cyclops, X-Force exists for just that reason) but that group is basically Evil’r’Us, Emma doesn’t really fit any more.
The X-Gene doesn’t reproduce any more, right now the youngest X-Man is Pixie (13, and drawn to look 19) and it’ll stay that way (until they fix it like the Legacy Virus), No More Mutants!
Actually…the youngest Mutant is about 4-5, the Messiah Complex baby. I forget if she has a name mentioned yet. I’mma flip through last week’s Cable to see, I’ll get back to you
She doesn’t count, she lives in the future with Cable!
The youngest actual non-X-man mutant would be Molly from Runaways I think.
She totally counts and she’s younger than Molly!
I really liked Secret Invasion and am really enjoying D.R. of coures I was one of the few who geeked out way back when Norman Osborn was brought back.
I see this getting down to Doom vs Norman, which they kinda set up in the DR One Shot. Speaking of any ideas on the Shadowy figure that is with Norman? I’m thinking maybe the Beyonder
Any idea as to who is the shadow in the doorway Norman Osborn introduces to the other? Even Doom seems scared of him/her…
Bet it’s Aunt May.
I’m Sticking to the Beyonder, but Aunt May is logical after all like Wolverine said to Spidey…She might be the only person on Earth he’s scared of.