Malcolm's Coat on eBay


Last time it sold for 12k. I know someone who really gave it a run, but the 0 feedback person beat him out. Bummer. :frowning:

Maybe they won’t be legitimate and it’ll go to the person I know. :smiley:

Link for doubters of authenticity

Wow, why would anyone sell it. The price wasn’t even that unreasonable, a little out of my price range though. I’ve a nice replica to keep me happy anyway.

Recession, out of a job, need rent money, food.

Wow. I am surprised and saddened that it didn’t go for as much. However, it got zero press so I am also surprised it got as much as it did. At the very least the main Firefly boards and podcasts should have been given a heads up, that would certainly would have pushed the bidding higher.

Ah well.

Nothing beats that one time when somebody sold the Pope’s old Volkswagen on ebay.

Wow. That is comedy. Link How did the Daily Show miss this one?

:smiley: It was even better. Everybody on ebay wanted to profit from the hype and because all the people were typing “Ratzinger VW” into ebay, all the sellers labeled their products something like “NO RATZINGER VW, BUT VERY COOL HAIR GEL”