Magic: the Gathering

I mainly just collect the cards, but i play booster drafts to get the new cards. I suck at playing, but have a nice collection :smiley:

I remember back in like '93 a friend gave me a black border black lotus because he had 2. I didn’t even like using it at the time. We’d give each other cards all the time because we wanted more people to play with. I wonder how much money I gave away? Sometime around '96, I sold my remaining collection (about $200 investment) for about $1000 in store credit at my local hobby shop. I think I milked that for a couple years.

that card is going for about $1200 by itself right now.

I don’t card flop any more…but I kick myself now a days. the price I see Serra angels going for makes me cry. I HAD 20 OF THEM!!!

I’m kinda hoping some of my cards will be worth a lot of money in 20 years. I got two cousins right now 3 & 5, so if I can help them out with their college expenses, that would be cool. I gotta have about 10,000 cards right now. I get a lot from people who used to play and just give them to me. There’s some really cool cards now, they started a different kind of card: planeswalkers, so I got a bunch of those which i hope will be worth a lot someday being as they are first edition. I wish I would have gotten into this when it first came out. Sadly, i was one of the guys making fun of those playing. :frowning:

shadowmoor coming out on 5/2 many pre-release events and preview cards are already up on the mtg site :slight_smile:

I loved Magic back in the day. Me and my friends used to play during lunch in high school until the principal decided it was ‘anti God’ and banned it. (I grew up in Mississippi, what to you expect?). I haven’t played since I started college, since I moved off and the university Im at is very small and full of religious folk who wouldn’t take kindly to MTG