Lursa VS. B'Etor

Who’s hotter?




You’re more than welcome to add any fight fantasy you wish. Personally, I have them in a traditional hot oil wrestling match. That being said, Lursa is the alpha sister but I think B’Etor would have her on physique (she be more fit).

The pause button on my VCR was always partial to B’Etor.

I’ll be in my bunk.

Or rather, I’ll be hiding under my bunk.

As I stated in the cast I’m going with the more snuggly of the two so B’Etor has it in my opinion. Not becasue of that but because she’s not the talker of the two. She’s the action girl, I like that.

I too will be in my bunk.

Um, where’s Baltar? Klingon ladies scare me.

It’s a Geek Deathmatch. The rules be somewhere around here. Just two combatants.

I know, I was just being facetious. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, it’s an open question whether the ‘two combatants’ rule trumps the ‘Baltar option’ rule.

I’m glad to get that cleared up. During the PC you guys were saying B’Etor, and I thought you were nuts…

Yeah, who’s job is it to keep the official copy of the GWC bylaws…

Lursa or B’Etor?? I pick Lursa and B’Etor!

That’s cold. Nobody voted for Lursa. The more I think about, I’m with Starbuccaneer. Both, please!

B’Etor tends to heat up my tea

But K’eylar has them BOTH beat

K’Eylar can bite me anytime.

Leah Brahms.


Nobody else went with Lursa? Wow. I find B’Etor’s voice irritating- err, more irritating.

I think it’s the eyebrows. She does have a nicer rack, though.

This is going to sound odd given their many other attributes, but I think it has to do with the fact that Lursa has a larger, wider(which reads masculine) jaw, and B’Etor has a pointier (which reads feminine) one.

ETA: I gave a sympathy vote to Lursa. Girls with big jaws are people too.