LotR: The Two Towers 12/6 @ 8 PM ET

Yeah, this is me when I get stressed out at work.

“You don’t have any friends. Nobody likes you.”

Ouch, that hurts.

Smeagol - Gollum conversation. So engaging.

This scene with the Gollum/Smegol argument is the first time I really understood what was going on with this character.

“Nobody likes you.”

Brilliant, it tells us so much about Golem.

There goes Frodo, wondering off again. Knock it off.

Yeah, it’s one of those “could be brilliant, could be teh suck” decisions. Fortunately, turned out to be the former.

So that’s an Olli-font? hmm… is it downloadable?

It’s Faromir and the men from the White City.

Faromir is a poet and phylosopher.

Disk 2 start at :15 after. Snack break!

We taking a break? How long?

Start up @ :15.

Argh! Faromir!

Poor bastard got eviscerated by Jackson. FOR NO REASON!

Of all the changes, that’s the one I will not stomach. (Well, and the spider thing. But that’s just a matter of placement.)

:15 after the hour?

Such a strong character in the book, too! Faramir the Great, and here he’s reduced to a level of weakness far beyond anything Boromir could have done.

Anyone have and pipe weed to share? Smoke 'em if you got them. d:

Would you rather he be non-existent like Tom Bombadil?

Startup in 2 minutes?