I know your sitting there screaming “Lost isn’t scifi. It takes place on a island”, but when you really llook past the surfice of it, the show deals with a frakin smoke monster, some messed up kids with powers, a button you had o push every 106 minutes, and not to mention that little thing called tme travel
But it does return next week…and I’m excited to get more sexy scottish accent from Desmond lol
I was wandering, am i the only who loves this show, and will defend the fact that this is scifi?
Can’t wait for Season 4 next week!!!
There’s a cool official video in 8:15 minutes (:)) about everything you need to know about what happened to the survivors of flight 815 during the first three seasons (it’s also available to download for free on iTunes):
Hey, if “Children of Men” can be considered Sci-Fi, then “Lost” most definitely falls into that category.
Read some author’s definition of Sci-Fi a while back, it was so loose that most episodes of “Sesame Street” could be considered Sci-Fi. Don’t remember his name, but if you read Sci-Fi books, you’ve heard of him.
Lost ROCKS! It’s definitely Sci-fi, especially when you consider that many of the cryptic things about the show point to some form of time-travel! If time travel isnt’ sci-fi, I don’t know what is!
-Time travel.
-Seeing (or remembering) the future.
-Guard sharks with DHARMA logos printed on their skin.
-A smoke monster that mechanical defenses can keep at bay.
-The Hanso Foundation’s “projects”, including: Institute for Genomic Advancement, Mathematical Forecasting Initiative, the Life-Extension Project (which succeeded in creating a 105 year old orangutan named Joop) and of course the DHARMA (Department of Heuristics And Research on Material Applications) Initiative.
-DHARMA studied meteorology, psychology, parapsychology, zoology, electromagnetism, and a sixth discipline that an orientation film started to identify as “utopian social . . . .” before being cut off.
-A lost four-toed civilization.
-The ever present numbers.
I’d say that’s enough science extrapolation to qualify Lost as SciFi.
…and yes, I’m even more excited for the conclusion of Lost than I am BSG.
Far more mysteries will be answered, and everyone’s arch matters.
(but BSG will leave a universe to play in long after Lost has ended. Go Caprica!)
I’m psyched for the return of Lost. I’m probably going to rewatch the finale tonight on abc. Has anybody been watching the “Missing Pieces” web/mini/whatever sodes?
Emily, I am totally with you on the love for Desmond and his accent.
Did anybody catch the S3 finale last night? There were some cool ads set to music, “Bad to the Bone” for Sawyer and “Crazy For You” which showed Locke blowing lots of stuff up. I’ve tried to find them on the abc website, but no such luck.
Thanks, Listerfiend! I found the others on the abc site http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/index?pn=index. There are also ones for Kate “Criminal” and Hurley “Good Vibrations”, which I didn’t see on tv.
You know what , after that first episode…I’m sorry, but i really think Lost is the best show on tv. BSG is a closes second, but there’s something about this show. I listen to about five podcasts on it. I love sitting there, wandering whats going on. I love discussing,and going around the endless loops, trying to make the story make isnce. I’m not to crazya bout the headaches though
I don’t really care how many people say the show sucks now, its really getting better. The idea that we have flash backs, and flash forwards, is exciting. o f course, it opens up a whole new can of worms (I’ve always wanted to say that lol0
BTW, the 13th missing piece confirms who Jacob is (if you see Jacob in the episode "Beginning of the end’I think its very clear)
i saw the last missing pieces, and i don’t know that we can conclusively say that christian IS jacob (and vice/versa), if that is what you’re implying there. i think perhaps it hints that jacob has a very close relationship with whatever creates the image of christian, perhaps even controlling it (smokey? most likely).
ok, now through my ramblings i’ve decided that you must have meant that jacob=smokey, who also takes the form of christian from time to time. please correct me if i’m wrong. it’s late and i’m kinda having incoherent thoughts right now.
but anyway a friend of mine and i had come to that same conclusion after seeing that Missing Pieces episode. i think the fact that “christian” says that jack “has work to do” was a big hint toward what “walt” told locke in last season’s finale.