Lost Theory for Season 6: Fade to White/Results of Jughead Detonating

Wavilyem started this on twitter. I think we should be able to solve this in eight months, right?

Here are the twitter posts…
Wavilyem tweeted:
Lost Theory: What if the fade to white was just a time jump and the Jughead nuke is what blows the Swan in the season 2 finale? Discuss …

TanstaaflWDM replied:
Interesting thought. The Swan energy “contains” the explosion somehow until released when Desmond turned the key? Could be.

Either that or Time/The Island doesnt let the nuke blow back in 1977 (hence the flash) and turning the key sets off the bomb//Actually I like your idea better – that explains the Swan “incident room” and could explain the 108 minute discharging

Or maybe the explosion got shunted into the future (and it explodes at the end of the final episode). Nah, they woudn’t do that…

These theories are great, and helpful to me, since I really did not know where to start on this. All of the time travel in season 5 messed my brain up.

Happy theorizing/solving this one!!

So I guess there are really two theories we came up with:

  1. The “flashing through time” that happened to the Losties who were on the Island when Ben turned the wheel is strategically controlled. In other words, someone or something is controlling both the time periods that they jump to as well as the timing of the jumps themselves. In this case, it’s possible that the flash we saw at the end of the finale was intentionally timed to jump Juliet (and Jack, Kate, Sawyer, etc.) away just before Juliet would have set the nuke off or the split second after she set the nuke off.

  2. The bomb detonates in 1977 but the electomagnetism somehow contains the explosion (in suspended animation) until Desmond turns the fail-safe in the season 2 finale and blows up the Swan.

I like it, but think about the wheel that they have to turn. looks an awful lot like it’s off a ship (blackrock). What if the swan plus nuke shoots them all back to that time where they have to correct the time skipping problem. Could the “they’re” in “They’re coming” be the people on that ship?

Obviously, what happened was the exact opposite of whatever happened at the end of The Sopranos.

As it was prophesied, The Sopranos was the Anti-Lost. :eek: