Lost S4.E8 - Meet Kevin Johnson (Spoilers)

Our first Michael-centric episode since the end of Season 2. So what did everyone think? Theories?

The ending was shocking and I whole-heartedly believe that Rousseau is alive!!! Or maybe I’m in denial…

It was interesting. Maybe it IS Michael in the coffin-the island didn’t need him anymore and he was able to kill himself.

my first thought right after karl and danielle were shot was that it was some of the Others from the temple killing them under ben’s orders because they would get between him and his “daughter”. but after thinking about it, it seems more likely that it was probably keamy or some other freighter goons who frank had flown to the island when sayid noticed the chopper was gone from the boat.

either scenario still seems possible in my book, though the latter seems more likely, what with the preview for the next set of episodes.

another great episode overall.

We finally have a justification for Mikael-can-never-die-until-he-holds-a-grenade-underwater. Woot!!! I wonder how many other instances of this we have seen…

John Loche’s gun-shot-sans-kidney…
Rose’s cancer recovery…
Maybe even Jack’s ex-wife’s injury recovery…

All of this has lead me to a theory about Ben’s tumor. Perhaps the island was finished with Ben, but he arranged for some turn of events that made him important to the island again… poof… airplane crash with spinal surgeon on board.

All in all, I thought the episode was somewhat lack-luster. Currently Michael is running the emotional gamut from A to B… open up a little… show something besides angst and anger. This is as much to the writers, I suppose.

It was nice to see Mister Friendly again though.

I have to say that Lost and Battlestar are the only two shows I still watch television for and I despise the fact that I’m going to have to wait 2 years to finally see the resolution to this series (that and on top of the fact they will show only 16 eppies per season). it now feels like I’m being forced to drag my feet along to the broadcast media politics. two shows with great writing fantastic cast and devoted fans but in order to enjoy that I’ve got to bend over and take it. it makes me so damn angry I wish I could make my own freaking awesome show and just post it up on youtube. <ramble ramble>

Did anyone else notice that Alex and Karl had a earpieces? Alex’s looked like an old 2004 phone ear adaption device karl’s was like a hearing aid also there was no entrance wound on Rousseau only exit (she was pushed forward when she fell) they clearly showed Rousseau’s back with out a wound. I love Rousseau too much to think she couldn’t crawl away from one bullet wound.

As this episode shows… if the island ain’t done with you, bullets don’t mean a thing. Let’s just hope the island isn’t done with her, because I know the fans aren’t (by fans I mean me and most of the people I’ve talked to and in no way indicate the feelings of every single fan out there. Your mileage may vary.)

I really loved this episode. I wanted a little more,but I blame the abc protitonal department.

Now I will be pissed if Danielle is dead. Ir eally feel like there is a story there. What if she works for Widmoore? What science team goes to a mission with that many guns? Plus, their story wraps into the story with the people on the boat. On the Lost Podcast, they keep hinting they have the same sickness.

And if you notice, the minute Desmond stopped taking that medicene in season two, he starts having flashes. Now, if Danielle’s team is suffering the same sickness as Dez and our brothers on the boat…I’d be a little freaked out to. Plus, Danielle has some military training. I think Karl is dead, but this can’t be the last time we will see Danielle.

If shes dead, I’m starting a riot. I was talking with eopople about lost, fo rhte first few minutes, all we talked about was Danielle. I am just happy I’m not the only one scared that she might be dead.

Now, we do know the oceanic six. The promo, and the lost podcast, confrims that they are Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sun, and Aaron. One theory I heard brought up was that maybe all these people got off the island because they were not not near the Hatch. Now, Aaron was near the hatch,b ut he was on the medicene.

I’m not sure what it menas, but its a inteesting oversvation.

Another thing i find is interesting if if Libby was just somthing MIchael’s coushious, if she awas from the Island,Jacob, or the Smoke MOnster. I think thir really is a sort of dark monster, light monder. The light monster, and the island, nd jacob, are the same thing. The black monster is a security system…maybe it was put their to protect the drhama folk from the natives.

Then we have the question of who are the shooters. Perhapes Ben told Richard to kill anyone who comes close to the Temple, but Ben’s daughter. Or, in the last episode, Frank takes other people to the island, maybe its the second wave of Fraities, perhapses the same people who are doing osme target practice. The problem I have with that, is that these guns were probalby silenced. But, I don’t see why the people ont he boat wouldn’t have extra guns. Whoever they are, they have got to be some good shooters.

Now, heres another thing I have ehard. Ben wants Karl and Danielle out of her life Karl can get her preggers, and Ben wnats Alex all to himself,Danielle gets in the way of that. Now, if its the Fraites, maybe he did know they were there, and maybe he thought Alex was preggers. He is handing her over to them because he wants her off the island, for her life to be saved.

Anyway, if Danielle is dead, let me just say Niki and paulo got a better death then Danielle. Does that seem right to you?

I agree with you Emily that if Rousseau is dead- that’s wrong. I really like the idea that she worked for Penny’s dad and lost her team to the time-sickness, that makes sense to me too.

I’m of the opinion that Ben ordered the shooters. Karl and Rousseau both threaten his control over Alex. But I won’t bet the farm on it.

I agree too that Michael currently appears to be the best person for the coffin.

Here’s my issue now- as viewers we’re wondering who that REAL bad guys are. Ben is still bad, Widmoore is bad. I can handle that. But what I really want to know is what are they all fighting FOR? So the island has time properties, which can be used to heal people physically, but what do you do with that really? It’s not a product to sell (and Widmoore seems like the type who likes to make money) it doesn’t appear to be a device, an elixir or compound that can be removed from the island, so why all the fuss?


I was wondering the same thing and the wheels started turning. Although it has been proved that people age on the island, maybe the aging process slows down or stops depending on how long you’ve been on the island. I was wondering if the crew of the Black Rock were still on the island and part of the Others or the Hostiles. I got this idea from the episode The Man Behind the Curtain where Ben gases all the DHARMA crew including his dad. He meets one of the Hostiles named Richard Alpert. When we see him many years later, he has hardly aged. I think Charles Widmore thinks he’s found the Fountain of Youth and wants it.

But don’t you think you have to stay on the island to keep things working? It seems a bit impractical to have to stay on the island for its benefits. That said, it’s clear some things work off-island. Sun stayed pregnant and Michael couldn’t kill himself.

The other unknown part of all this is the spiritual connection and why Miles was chosen for the team. Ben was able to see his mother and Richard chose Ben to join them in protecting the island. I can’t decide how the spiritual side of things is related to the time properties. If you could talk to the dead, you could get information from them (like Swiss bank account numbers) and I see how Widmoore would also be interested in that.

I’m actually glad to have a break for a few weeks to rest my brain on silly things like American Idol and the non-silly splendor of S4.

I agree with Emily and this just can’t be the end of Danielle’s story. We have already been promised a flashback (or forward?) for her from the producers.
If they don’t have this worked out already I’m sure this won’t be a problem when the last 5 episodes come out. We know they listen to the fans so by now I am sure they have got a ear full about this.

I am liking Kevin Johnson a lot more than that Michael guy. It is good to see just how guilty he feels about what he did. Also, did anyone notice that “Kevin” is jumping like Desmond. In the hospital, when he say Libby, the medical equipment was different, the Christmas tree was gone and I think the other patient was different. Libby did say she had some medical training before becoming a shrink. He better start looking for a constant since he killed her.

I think the “magic box” of wishes might be what everyone is after (which is the island)… who needs money when you can wish things true. I also think Widmore is driven by a personal goal that has not been revealed. I don’t think simple money is what it’s all about. There are no simple characters or simple motivations on Lost. :wink:

I don’t think Ben ordered them shot… I think Ben can foresee outcomes (like Paul Atredes)… So he knew that if he sent them packing that this would happen.

All my opinion of course.

Youc an like Kevin Johnson much more, as well as you wnat, but don’t forget, it’s still Michael hehe

How could they kill Delenn??? AAAHHHH!!!

who’s Delenn?

I know! I choose to believe she isn’t dead. 'Cause that would just suck.

The actress’s earlier cool alien character on B5.

ah, sorry, i’m not familiar with B5.

I fhtye kill her, she should takethat bone fof her head and wack Cuse with it hahah

Yes I think you do have to stay on the Island for the benefits. That being said, as often happens, the human factor will try and exploit it. Widmore will bring his troops and scour the secrets of the Island. Whenever the supernatural and science get involved, it’s gonna be bad. Think Indy and the ark or Indy and the cup of Christ. For his avarice, Widmore will pay the ultimate price. If Locke can avoid corruption, he will protect the Island since it has protected him.

Big IMO here.