"Lost" in Space - the new Star Trek

Okay, I’m not really a J.J. Abrams fan, but I am more and more intrigued with his new Star Trek project. Sylar as Spock and now Shaun as Scotty? I just might have to cough up $12 to see that one.

Gloucester, England-born Simon Pegg (Hot Fuzz) is boarding J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek origin feature in the role of engineering wizard/Romulan ale enthusiast Montgomery Scott. Pegg joins other future Enterprisers Zachary Quinto (as Spock), Zoe Saldana (Uhura) and Anton Yelchin (Chekov), while Eric Bana is playing the villain.

Eeeeh… I like most of them, but I really wanted to see Paul McGillion as Scotty.

When I first heard that it’d be a prequel, I was pretty disappointed. I’m a huge, huge Star Trek fan, and I just want to see someone actually push the world forward instead of leaving it frozen in time the way it has been for a number of years now. But the more I read about the upcoming flick, the more interested I become.

Like I said over on the blog, I think I might be able to get into an alternate timeline concept – or maybe even just exploring another portion of the (large) ST universe to which I don’t have any current exposure.

That said, if it turns out to be a “Why Kirk’s cool, Part 106,” I’m going to be pissed. But it really sounds like that’s not where things are going.

This week there’s tons of casting news on AICN, SciFi Wire, and TrekToday. I’m starting to get excited again.

Me too.

Also I would have got quite a kick out of Masi Oka being Sulu. Anyone taking bets that Nimoy will show up in Heroes as Sylar’s dad??

My god…they have chosen a Russian to play Chekov??? How will he say “nuclear vessals?”