LOST Finale in a theater? (a question to the hivemind, not an article I found)

Does anyone out there in the hivemind know if there will be an event for the LOST series finale in a theater or some kind of out-of-home viewing experience? Specifically for me, in New york city?

thanks! – The idea of watching the LOST finale on the big screen is unbelievably thrilling:-)

I only know about the screening, with guests like Michael Emerson, Malcolm David Kelly etc., organized by the Jay and Jack Podcast in LA.

EDIT: Ha, today I found about the LOSTATHON which is a charity LOST Marathon starting on May 19th in Professor Thom’s bar at 219 2nd Avenue. Three dude are going to watch all the episodes back-to-back up to and including the Final Episode on Sunday at 9 PM in an Guinness World Book record attempt.

Oh my gods! And I thought Baconface’s pace was super fast!

Oh, wow, that’s kind of awesome. AND NUTS! :smiley:

Is anyone going to attend the LA screening of the finale? How exciting… to meet WALT, apparently! :smiley: Is that some kind of spoiler that Walt actually would figure into the episode?