Lost: Destiny Calls


Wednesday, January 21st, 2009

8 PM Eastern/Pacific[/b]

hey i get it now… im new to this frak thingy… thanks again :slight_smile:

Is anyone there?

This is just basic overview stuff so far. I guess it’s good for new viewers – although I can’t imagine a new viewer being able to just “jump in” at this point.

hey hey/… i just slammd the last 3hrs o lost into my visual cortex:)

It is like a refresher course.

who here wants a hatch with guns???/ and whos pantsless

have a beer ben

i know:) i was late, cuz i just watchd the last 3eps from last ssn

So I guess we can assume that Juliet isn’t lying about the conception date?

but what about the theory that its michaels bby

I do not have pants on. Is that good for lost too. :wink:

all good shows require NO PANTS!!!

Just checking.

damn… i forgot :slight_smile: :0 :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


did any1 just c the dog jump dominos pizza commercial… muhahahahahahaha HA

hello peeps! :slight_smile:

I am making cookies as well!

what kind o cookies

Choclate Chip!!!

Sad I have to see the adds.

chief of the others has to turn the donkey wheel and c a strange daddy daughter thing