Who stood up in the back?
Lol @ “Lost in your eyes.”
Welp didn’t want to spend any money this week but ended up pre-ordering the Complete Collection blu-ray…LOL disposable income you are the devil.
Owww, that’s gotta hurt. Well better you then me.
What’s the price? Save me from looking it up. d:
$150 and $195. Ouch.
It was the kid who played young Jacob on the show.
Thank you.
Well, I’m out…
Ooh, Legend of the Seeker finale…
I get the feeling that I’m going to go away from this with the same sentiment as when we watched the BSG Finale: “Good story, but entirely different than what I was hoping for.” - Unfortunately that’s the price to pay for a serialized show such as this, the finale is never able to live up to the hype of everyone wanting all the answers, and everyone having a different opinion as to what those answers should be.
That being said, a good couple hours of TV, heck, a good season of TV. I think, though, I’ll be leaving Lost alone for a good long while, let it sink in, like I did after BSG wrapped up (Didn’t go back and watch any episodes for nearly a year).
Either way, my brain is going to be too busy processing this to sleep well tonight.
All in all I liked it quite a bit. It does make me want to find out what happened when the people on the Ajira plane got back to civilization and what Hurley and Ben did to get Desmond back to Penny. Lots of stories to imagine in the years to come!
I do have to rewatch it sometime because the producers said that Walt was going to be in the show and I never saw him. Was he in the church?
yet this finale kicked me in the head.
There is something mythological in the way Kate looked back at Jack while he was in the jeep in front of the church. This scene keeps haunting me. Dunno why.
The last scene was of the plane wreck. It was shrunken by the credits ( I hate that!) so I couldn’t tell if it was different in some way.
Was the wreck bear their signs of having lived there or was it on fire?
The second plane Jack sees at the end makes me think all this has happened before, etc.
Lastly, while I hated anything spiritual in BSG I dug it here in Lost.
What is the Island? The place where the Lost go to find their way. They fought against good and evil there inside and outside of themselves in an epic way. When Jack again plugs the Light it goes from red to yellow. I get this notion Hell was there in the redness–whatever non-denom hell you’d like. The Island was a place where different folk learned to live together and forget their foibles and differences and be as one in heaven on earth. Those who didn’t will come to the church later, when they learn how. That way, Ben and the others aren’t stuck.
My two, half-informed cents.
He looks like he could have portrayed a Dharma member in an previous episode.
Way to go inserting two Star Wars quotes in the last episode. I haz happy.
I’m still wondering how…since they “left” the game or why do the seem so enlightened?
Sorta like Oma Dessala and Anubis in SG-1 or Adria and Morgan LeFey in SGA?
Could his conversation with Locke on the plane be the thing that triggered him to remember?
You weren’t the only ones. Good to feel those emotions.
OMG!!! Perfect Hivemind!! That was exactly the line I was thinking of when I watched that scene on Sunday!!!
That fight had one of the most epic cinematography on the show!
Wohooo, finally SUPER-Kate is back!
So that is what Juliet told to Sawyer in the Season 6 premiere that worked. Her getting him his Apollo bar.
In a way it is real…in a twisted way of sorts.
He was the best choice, he always cared about people.
It’s all in your mind, if you BELIEVE that you can be the protector of the Island.
Walt will be in an additional scene on the DVD which will have an about 20 min longer version of the Finale.
And the Eko actor wanted 5 times the cash for what they were offering him to be part of the last episode. He really seems to don’t wanna go back to Hawaii. Or only if the cash is big enough.:rolleyes:
Exactly, that what TPTB want. That we fans have can use our own imagination of it and don’t get a corset of answers which many of us won’t like, because it differs with our expectations.