Lost 6x17-18 The End

I gotta say. I feel like a joke was played on the audience. What a swindle!! Pulled off by a some great charlatans.

Now, hear me out. I enjoyed the show and the finale. It’s not what I expected and that’s fine. It’s just they left clues in the sideways universe (the Island on the Ocean floor, etc.) that only the audience knew. Now that universe was just limbo. That’s kinda cruel.

Well, any good con job somebody’s gotta get hurt.

Sawyer said it best:

“It’s a hell of long con.” :stuck_out_tongue:

No, I understand the Island was real, it just pisses me off that the side world was Limbo. Frankly I thought the side world was a sort of Quantum effect from the bomb going off at swan

Guess I’m by myself…

Gotta agree here. Though I am feeling very unhappy by that reveal. The Island stuff was top notch, the side world reveal just killed my enjoyment of it all…

Please expound.

“If we can’t live together, we’re gonna die alone.”


If they all die together, then they get to live alone? :rolleyes:

Watching Kimmel. He believe the whole thing was a test to get into heaven.

So wait. I just realized something.

Christian Shepherd led the Losties to Heaven?

Shouldn’t he be on a white horse or something?

Its been almost an hour. Can’t sleep.


Anyway, I liked it. Not their greatest episode, but I felt like crying a few times during it, so that means it was good. Now we get to spend the rest of our lives talking about it.

What the frak does it mean. :confused:

Thanx. I’m watching now.

“It’s out of work Terry.”


Or a scythe. d:

Shouldn’t he be on a white horse or something?

White shoes?

I know. The big question was never answered:

What is the Island?

If it was just a cork to keep evil trapped, wouldn’t Smokey’s death render it unnecessary?

And what was with all the Egyptian stuff?

Good point. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kimmel will show alternate endings. Hmmmm…

I’m questioning whether they’ll be skits…

What the frak @ Josh.

I know. The big question was never answered:

What is the Island?

If it was just a cork to keep evil trapped, wouldn’t Smokey’s death render it unnecessary?

And what was with all the Egyptian stuff?

More than that even. What was the purpose/theme of the episode. Its like Blade Runner or the end of 2001. How does what we saw at the end fit into our reality and the rest of the show?

I’m pretty sure they will indeed be skits.

The title said everything that this episode and ultimately what the show was really about: The acceptance that with life comes death. I have come to understand that the sideways world makes sense because they CREATED it by detonating the bomb. Did anyone else notice that many of the people on Flight 815 didn’t show up at the church? Or the fact that those who were on the island all happened to be in Los Angeles at the same time? By accepting “Live together or die alone”, they have formed probably the most important bonds together; family. As Jack ultimately is the father figure of this family, it should be his father who shows him the way. I loved the last moments as Jack accepted his death knowing that he saved his family from harm. When he smiled for the last time, I teared up because I felt his journey has come full circle. Now close your eyes and lay your weary soul to rest. Lost.