Lost 6x15 Across the Sea

I thot they were gonna do this whole Jacob and Smokey background in the last episode. Glad it’s happening now.


That sounds reasonable.

Could that be The light of Life down there?

Hah, The Janitor on another show!!

Its a really good show.

Kid in Black sees dead people too…

Hmmm, only Smokey has visions.

The bad boys always have more fun.

Young Jacob really looks like Mark Pellegrino. Great casting.

Look it’s Beta New Otherton!

“She’s not your mother. I am.” :eek:

That’ll mess ya up.

Ehh…Luke got over it.

WHAT I thought that was impossible!

Wow, Jacob has some anger issues

I smell a sibling rivalry starting!

It’s always a love story. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow! Where is Luke Skywalker? Look at that sunset.

“I couldn’t let you become one of Them.”

One of who? Whut?

He must have gone off to Toshi’s station to pick up some power converters :slight_smile:

awww JAcob is a mommas boy

The other-other-other-others!

Before there was Freud there was the Island.

Hmmm, is this before Oedipus?

That’s what you said last time Biggs was in town!!