Lost 6x15 Across the Sea

Young Smokey looks like Zac Efron.

Somehow, this does not surprise me. :rolleyes:

They’re not really speaking english it’s being translated for us =P

“Yes. I want to play.”

Yeah. Like there is anything else to do on an Island.

Mom’s thinking, “Jacob is a bad liar.”

He gets better.

Just say his damn name folks

“You’re special.”

Ummmm, ok.

“She’s dead.” :eek:

Clearly, he’s learned what “dead” is since then. :eek:

Wait a sec. I thot she said they were alone in the world.

It’s the other-other-other-others!

There were Others even back then?

All this has happened before…

“We are here for a reason.”

“What reason?”

Not yet, we still have a few episodes left.

Man she sure sounds like Katie Segal

Man, what a bad brood.

Humans. Disgusting creatures.

Thats Allison Janey

“What’s down there?”

Willy Wonka’s Golden ticket.

So i thinks Kid in Black is gonna kill his “mum”

“It’ll have to be one of you.”

Oh SNAP. Couldn’t just say both of you? Dang. Mothers really work that sibling rivalry thing.

Splice? More like Species X: The Genetic Experiment


The Others. Her last words will be, “The reason you are here is…aggggghhh.”