Lost 6x10 The Package

Woah – room 23!

Room 23.

Where have I heard that? :rolleyes:

“something wrong Claire?”
“I need a bath”

“Wrap this in plastic. You don’t want it to get wet.”

Shouldn’t Sayid the professional soldier, torturer, and assassin already know that?

“Claire, I need you.”

I might get hungry. :eek:

He learned all that in the desert. That’s my guess.

He has to be sure – if it doesn’t work, then he won’t be able to shoot at Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, et. al. back in season 5 and cause a rift in the space-time continuum.

Just a theory :slight_smile:

Yeah but to be fair I don’t think Iraq undertook a lot of amphibious warfare.

So another definitive answer. Smokey can’t cross water.

And he’s trapped on a magical island. In the South Pacific.

OMGs, he’s Cthulhu!!! :eek:

Wouldn’t that be amazing? In the last episode instead of a resolution, they fade to black and play the Cthulhu story.

Sure, that’s what they want you to think.

Nobody expects the Aquatic Iraqi Inquisition! :smiley:

Keamey gets creepier and creepier every time we see him.

How big is that actor? He’s like 7 feet tall!!

Mikhail! Yay! :stuck_out_tongue:

Woah, Mikhail works for Keamy and doesn’t have an eye missing? Weeeeird!

“Why won’t you believe me?”

“Because you’re speaking.”:smiley:

6’6", according to IMDb.

Yay richard is back!

“Are we supposed to believe that?”
“Asks the man who communes with the dead.” :smiley:

“A wise man once said, ‘A war is coming to this Island.’”

Beat 'em with flattery.