Lost 6x10 The Package

Watch V and if we’re up for it, Trek after. If not, Trek tomorrow @ 8pm.

Sound like a plan?

Works for me.

So now Flocke’s doing the “the choice is yours” thing like Jacob? Interesting …

Would watch something after this but I have 40 min of Cardio, 20 min of lifting after this is over.

Free will is always necessary when dealing with… gods? Demons? :eek:

There’s always a choice until there isn’t.

OK. That’s how Kirk beats every computer race.

That’s admirable. I have a piece of paaaah and a gallon of ice cream.

Hey V is on next. I was unaware.

Grey’s Anatomy is still on?

I keed. I keed.

Ooh, ice cream. That’s a good idea.

Maybe after the pizza. :slight_smile:

Yes, but did you know V was back??!

You’re running in an open field and you hit the only tree. Man, that’s a stereo-type.

I can’t tell if y’all are being sarcastic.

Obligatory mirror scene :slight_smile:

mmm, McSteamy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Local news update:

“Just in time for Easter, dark chocolate is good for you.”

This is news?

Us, sarcastic. Never!

Sun’s an umpire? :rolleyes:

Look at that. She hit her head and forgot English. They are definitely connected to the other reality.

Room full of loudspeakers.

This should be fun. :eek:

This looks like a fun room.