Lost 6x09 Ab Aeterno

Tuesday, 23 March 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Make your to set up your DVR to end the recording 10 minutes later, cause we’ll get about 6-9 minutes more content this week!!!

So excited!!! :smiley:

Ain’t It Cool has the weekly promos posted. I’m not watching, but just knowing they’re there is driving me crazy.

Temptation, temptation, temptation…

I haven’t been this excited about a tv show in a long time. I just finished catching up on Sunday…

I’m asking you out there, should I watch the promos for the episode???

I’m so undecided, don’t wanna be spoiled but wanna get excited for the episode on the other hand.

I really dig your signature.

Thanks, your Joss sig is great as well.

I know. LOST and Caprica have got me blood pumpin’. BTW, I’m really getting into ‘Caprica’ and boom mid-season finale this Friday. What the craaap!?!

I have like 5 episodes of Caprica on my DVR that I haven’t gotten a chance to watch yet - mostly because I have spent all my waking moments (when not at work) watching LOST on DVD.

Mid-seaon finale? WHY? When is the next half of the season going to air?

You still have Chuck, V, FlashForward (til it’s cancelled), SGU etc.:wink:

No idea. Hivemind speaketh?

They’re like those toys on the second shelf I like having around but they don’t entice like the first shelf toys.

I do think this is one of my most anticipated episodes.

Oh my gods you’re right! I know this is the wrong thread to post about Caprica, but last Friday’s episode was slow, didn’t do much to move the plot, and didn’t really have a cliffhanger at all.

Oh well, here’s hoping that tonight’s Lost will more than make up for it.

No matter what happens in tonight’s episode I hearby pledge to all of you that I will resist the urge to write a “We’re So Sorry, Richard Alpert” song based of course on “We’re So Sorry, Uncle Albert”. No matter how many dumb/amusing/dumber rhymes that pop into my head I will excercise my better judgement and not try to repeat the huge (did I say huge, I meant huuuuuuuge) success of my last song with a lame copycat attempt. And I definetly will not start the song like this:

We’re so sorry,

Richard Alpert.

But we haven’t seen that Smokey thing all day.

Somebody bitch-slap me STAT !

sigh ads about the prostate:rolleyes:

Tonight IT’S ON!!!

Candidates, to replace Jacob!

I love that they’re finally giving answers! :slight_smile:

Ricardus…rhymes with Tardis…He is the Doctor!

“What do we do next?”

Weird giggle

Gonna call it the alpertgiggle

What the hell!?!?! (literally)