Lost 6x07 Dr. Linus

No surprise there.

Crazy Jack back again.

Wonnder where he originated from. He seemed like a Spanish inhabitant and not a slave that was transported somewhere.

Kevorkian Amendment. :slight_smile:

I need him to cry for my Prediction contest!!!

“If you change your mind, I’ll be about a mile away.” :smiley:

Could always light it again?

What’s the point of watching the show if it’s already spoiled?

No, but it’s nice to actually have an answer spoken out loud. :slight_smile:

This is great. I didn’t expect Smokey to show up.

Ben is so whiny. Sniveling.

CRAAAP, what hapened in the last 4 min???

Sideways Ben, also with the giant cojones.

Too bad the principal’s are bigger.

“Because he’s the only one that will have me.”

Whoa. That was powerful.

Why wouldn’t “You burn Alex, I release this” work?

what happened after Jack started the fuse?!

Yeah. That might have been the first truly honest moment we’ve ever seen from Ben. :frowning:

The fuse stopped right before it reached the dynamite.

Thx, and after that scene? until Ben visited his superior?

Aw. I’m verklempt.

Talk amongst yourselves.

Awww … it’s the old Oceanic Six theme! :slight_smile:

Me too. Like the return to the music only ending.

Because then neither of them gets what they want.

Followed by the shocking twist. :eek: