Lost 6x04 The Substitute

So is that how Locke says Come with me if you want to live

Not a big deal. No one dies anymore.

Hurley’s an obnoxious Hummer driver? Dude. :frowning:

“Randy Nations?”
“Yeah, that guy is a huge douche.” :smiley:

Hurley is always a stand up guy in all the worlds!

“Randy is a huge douche!”

I love Hurley world. I want to live there.

Um, isn’t anyone going to bury Locke?

“Randys an obnoxious douche!”

Hurley FTW!

At least that Hurley world. The other one sucks.

Does Sun answer your question.

“What about John? We need to bury him.”

Um, he’s gonna be pissed when he wakes up.

“Don’t tell me what I can’t do.”

That. Was. OSSIM!!

Island kid looks like a young living River Phoenix…Holy crap. It is the zombie season.



Yeah it was. :smiley:

I meant since he’s a millionaire that does good with his wealth. I want the millionaires of the world to be Hurley.

Just like Nikki and Palo.

I’ve seen that kid somewhere before, and now I can’t place him.

And, of course, checking a cast list is fraught with potentially spoiling myself.

Le sigh. :frowning:

I’m thinking it’s obvious Island kid is Spock…I mean…Jacob.

A Con Man can see through men!:slight_smile:

The moment I saw that yellow car I knew that it was Hurley’s hummer.

Hell yeah!!:cool:

Finally, I wanna see the Zombie dog Vincent.:smiley:

Island kid says you can’t kill “Him”

Is “him” Jacob or Sawyer?