Lost 6x04 The Substitute

Tuesday, 16 February 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Ahhh, a [spoiler]Locke[/spoiler] centric episode. Should be a spectacular one! :slight_smile:

Here we GO

and we are offt

I hate those lifts.

ETA: And exactly for that reason. :slight_smile:

Hey Locke still has his lady in this reality!!!

It’s Leela! :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s Peg Bundy!

And he is good with his DAD!!

Hey its Smokey Cam!!

Smokey-eye view! :eek:

This reminds me of Evil Dead. :slight_smile:

With the clickety, ratchety sound going on does it make Smokey steampunk?

That makes no sense. How’d he end up in the wheelchair, then?

Unless he actually forgave him…? :eek:

“All right, Richard. It’s time to talk.”

Such a tease.

Never know when you’ll need that kidney back.

Oh dear lord they are using Vampires in BING commercials now as well

or got gimped in another way…

YAY Helen!!! Hoped we would see her again.


I think that he did get into the wheelchair another way.

Randy is a dick. In both universes or whutevah.