Lost 5x11 Whatever Happened, Happened

Jay and Jack are really good they do two shows a week. One tomorrow and then one that has easter eggs and customer feedback on Monday.


The Transmission They probably have the best Podcast but its not out for a couple days.

and the official one as well

I too thought that was Claire…that would have been awesome

Thank you.


Aww Clementine is a cutie

Former Wise girl becomes Wise sage.

Wow a harsh Truth slap to Kates face

Oh woah, so did she go back just for Sawyer?!?!

She’s gotta be involved with Widmore somehow. Or Ben’s been paying her off.

She’s surprisingly unfazed by all this weirdness.

So I guess that answers the question, “Would you go back in time and kill Hitler as a child?”

I love Juliette. She is such a bad ass.

Guess we know where the Losties fall on the whole going back in time to kill Hitler debate…

Are you kidding? I no likey her at all!

Yeah. Something is always up with Kate. It’s never straight and easy.

Hive mind. :smiley:

are you a fan of Kate? I used to like Kate but she whined to much…

Holy Hive Mind, Batman!!

You’re going to take us to Richard Alpert. And you’re going to do it. And you’re going to like it! =D

I don’t like anyone on Lost except Hurley. These people are too tricksey for me. I need people I can trust.

Yeah, I am. Her freckles are too much to resist :slight_smile:

I thot at this point Ben was already in contact with the Others but this plot makes more sense.