Wednesday, March 4th, 2009
9 PM Eastern/Pacific[/b]
Last week was sooo good. This season has been really fun to watch.
Steadily getting more answers than new questions is a great thing too.
Was Ben on one side of the wheel and John on the other?
At different times of course?
Holy craaap! The statue! :eek:
Everyone is back on the Island. But when?
Hi all. The statue cool.
I don’t remember the statue last time.
They both went down that well (although I think it was an elevator shaft for Ben), so I think they were in the same place.
Christian said that Ben wasn’t supposed to turn the wheel, so that’s why it didn’t work correctly. At least, that’s my understanding.
John Locke, our hero.
Judging from the music and the shiny&newness of those monitors, I’d say some time in the late '60s, early '70s…?
Nope, that part was new.
I meant on the opposite side of the wall.
Think figuring out what the Head characters are, try explaining the supernatural origin of the Island.
None of those mannequins have butts. They’re all flat.
No way of knowing, but they definitely weren’t there at the same time. Ben was there more or less “now”, while Locke was there before the well was even dug.
Yeah. I get that. The way they filmed it. It seem like they were on opposite sides of the wall.
The tranquility of the Island against the turmoil the characters go through creates such an eerie feeling.
Whoa! Blondie is an awesome shot.
She’s an Other. Comes with the Latin.
Is it training or Neo uploading training in the…craaaap…what do they call those places under ground?