Lost 4.6: The Constant (spoilers)

Wow! One of the best episode of the show, definitely bringing a lot to the mythology of Lost.

This might be the first episode of the series featuring no flashback, flashforward… but direct time travel! There’s definitely something very romantic to every relationship surviving space and time travel. Did you give your Constant a hug today? :slight_smile:

Desmond is rapidly becoming one of my favorite characters.

Anyone noticed during the auction the painting of The Black Rock (the pirate ship on the island) sold by Tovard Hanso of the Hanso Foundation which operated… the Dharma Iniative on the Island??

This show is just a magnificent tapestry that is being woven every season and only by the end of Season 6 will we be able to understand all of its nuances.

This episode, like every big episode of the show, was written by Lost’s executive producers and showrunners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, I can’t recomment you enough their podcast (also available on itunes), these guys are really smart fun to listen to.

All I can say is if someone gave up this show, or is not watching it…they ahve no idea what they’re missing.

You can watch every episode of lost on abc by the way, for free, in HD…no every single episode is on there. It’s amazing!

There are so many hidden hints surrounding Desmond and Penny’s relationship. I wouldn’t be too surprised if Penny’s dad isn’t the master of all the puppets.

I still think that Charles Widmore is behind the Freighter people and is “The Economist” that Sayid was hunting in the 3rd episode.

This episode was the best of this season and one of the best in general.

My theory:
Penny will help Future Kate, Future Jack, Future Hurley, and Future Sayid get beck to the island - for them to save their friends and for Penny to reunite with Desmond.

I also think that Desmond’s flashes have now been cured for good.

Well, what do you mean by curved? I do not think they have stopped at all, but he has better contral over it. The odd thing is that he was doing the exact oposent of whathe was doing in Flashes Before your eyes. Instead of going from the island,to the past, he was going from the past, to the future. Thats why he did not remember the island, because his coushious was going from 1996 to 2004, not 2004 to 1996.

Somthing makes me wander why Widmore seems to have a bigger rule then Hnanso. Am I the only one thinking “Hostile takeover”"?

Their is this awesome theory that explains the time on the island. You guys renimber the dhrama food drops, that drooped food on the island? What if they are really coming from the 1980s? The pilots in the plane still think it is the 1980. What if the time in the outside world, alld epends on the beccon you leave the island on? For exsample, if you go onthe same beacon that the helacopter goes, you end up in 2005. This explains the black rock, and adam and eve, right?

It still really does not explain Richard, but all I can gather is that he was one of the orignal people from the black rock.

I think that is a great theory. This is the first episode in a LONG time that has excited me. I’ve been very close to giving up due to the constant new questions/issues that come up and the failure to wrap up at least a few things.

Now that I understand how time is going to play out, I can see two more seasons of material. This idea of a consciousness traveling is incredible because it is credible without all the usual LOST fanfare surrounding the unusual aspects of the show. I bet the numbers will play a huge role in the math involved in all of this.

I came across this theory and think it makes a lot of sense.

Wait…do you guys think that the whole thing with going back and fourth through time is the sickness that prompted Danielle to ill Robbert and friends?

I agree that this was by far the most revealing episode to date. Hands down.

I’ve had a few friends who grew frustrated with the constant answers that bring more questions… but I can’t imagine a better formula for entertainment. Lost is the television show for people who are constantly disappointed with movie adaptations that fall short of the book. Lost understands that an active imagination can fill in the gaps better than any exposition, but it also realizes that you have to feed that kind of an imagination and nurture it. Even after the final credits roll, there will be mysteries to the island that they will leave to our imagination. Bless their little hearts.

Some of my thoughts that this episode had reaffirmed or brought up:

I believe the inoculations that Desmond was receiving in the hatch were protecting him from the sort of thing he experienced by traveling in the storm.

I also believe that this “madness” is what affected Danielle’s team. Danielle is mad as well, though I believe she is probably just crazy from being alone and having her daughter taken away.

I believe the orchid video was a case of using the islands property to shift the bunny in time, but they accidentally allowed them to overlap (time paradox) which is why they had to “keep them apart”.

If you want to learn more about Whidmore, definitely check out any of the old Lost experience stuff.

I totally agree with you brittonlj, I’m always a bit amazed at how many people complain that they’ll never watch “Lost” again because it never brings them any answer. What would be the appeal of the show if we knew everything there is to know about the island by the end of season 1? Just like looking at the last page of a crime book to know who the killer is.

As a scientist I can’t imagine a world where we would know the answer to everything: BORING!

And to go back to BSG, I hope that they’ll leave us with a few mysteries by the end of season 4 (such as the nature of Head Six) to debate endlessly :slight_smile:


I’d put money on that. Also, I agree with Britton - Danielle just went crazy from being alone and having her kid stolen.

I’m sticking with my theory.

Snacktime - I haven’t read the link but I plan to.

Here is an excellent analysis of The Constant: http://darkufo.blogspot.com/2008/03/heart-and-head-by-luhks.html

I highly recommend reading it!

So where are we now on the front of the “Oceanic Six”? We already know 4 of them:

  • Jack
  • Kate
  • Sayid
  • Hugo

We also know Aaron (who was also aboard Oceanic Flight 815 but… in utero :slight_smile: ) and Ben are not on the island anymore.

Bernard and Rose? Jin and Sun? I guess they had to be on the original flight.

Help me out here, Lostheads. Darlton (Damon and Carlton) have said that their Prime Directive with regards to the show’s time travel is to avoid PARADOX at all costs. Seems to me that the task is ridiculous. I’ll give the biggest example, which I’ve yet seen raised (forgive me if it has been). In brief, how is it possible that Desmond could inform 96-Farraday of the correct frequency when by the very nature of the “timeline” 04-Farraday only had that information through Desmond’s travelling back in time?

Let me rephrase. By the circular nature of events, it seems like the one missing event is the actual FIRST discovery of the frequency by Farraday himself. Clearly Farraday did not discover the frequency through trial and error since Desmond gave it to him. In effect, Desmond gave the correct frequency to 96-Farraday who took it 8 years into the future the good ol’ fashioned way and then gave it back to Desmond. But where did the frequency originate from? No one actually discovered it, or did they? Is this not a bald paradox?

I thought this was a perfect episode! Timey-whimey stuff and so romantic too.

I love the idea that the “side effects” Desmond experienced is the same sickness that affected Danielle’s crew.

I also wonder if Desmond’s trip to Oxford was what resulted in his being discharged for AWOL.

i don’t know if it is the case, but perhaps to avoid that paradox they would say that faraday had already figured out the settings (and had yet to test them), so that when desmond met him, he was merely confirming that he (des) actually had knowledge from the future, gaining his trust.

This popular mechanics article might help: http://www.popularmechanics.com/blogs/science_news/4253025.html?series=6

Warning. This week’s episode “The Other Woman” is supposed to run 2 minutes over. Reset your Tivos now folks.

This is what I was feeling when I saw the episode. Just from the way he looked at him and asked “Who gave you those numbers”… of course that is speculative.

This show has really opened my mind to the ideas of time being subjective to the observer. I realize that is the principle behind Einstein’s theory, but this show just pushed the example further than I’ve ever considered it.

i just rewatched the constant today, and noticed that on the freighter’s deck, there were security cameras all over the place. i don’t know if that is anything out of the ordinary, but it seemed strange to me.