Lost 4.11 Cabin Fever (spoilers)

For those who need an appetizer for tonight’s meal, Ain’t it cool has some info (w/some spoilers, including video sneak-peeks) here.

looks like another good one…

OOooohhhh, juicy video clips. I can’t wait. 4 hours 56 minutes and counting…

Locke episodes usually kick @ss, so I’m very excited about this one. Here’s hoping it lives up to my expectations.


Exactly. Let’s see some of the old Locke.
(15 minutes.)

Absolutely great episode again.

My favorite moments:

Teen Locke: “Don’t tell me what I can’t do.”

Ben: “Destiny is a fickle bitch.”

Hurley shares with Ben.

Hurley shares with Ben favorite moment of tonight? Screw that, that was my favorite moment ever. Just the look on their faces and the fact that not only are they awkward but they don’t talk for like a whole 2 minutes. LoL!!! Hilarious.

Anyone wanna take a stab at what Locke meant by “Move the island”?

-Through time?
-Change the area’s magnetism, so it read as if it’s in a new position on compasses, etc.?
-It’s actually a floating island, so it indeed can be moved?
-Prod the giant turtle that the Island is sitting on the back of?
-He’s going to tell the island a really sad and touching story?

you got me…
(but I can’t wait to find out)

When he said Move The Island, a small part of me went back to that “it’s a crashed space ship” moment we all had back in season 1. I don’t believe it now either, but for a titillating moment, it was there.

I have no clue what they are going to do, but I bet it will rock my socks either way.

Some of my favorite moments:
[li]The keemy/captain showdown.
[/li][li]The aforementioned candy bar scene.
[/li][li]The whole Dalai Lama thing.

But my absolutely most favoritest part… the return of Richard Alpert. Hell ya. (I’ve never been happier that a series was canceled).

Has anyone ever commented that Richard Alpert in real-life is Baba Dam Rass the spiritualist??? Seems like an odd coincidence that they share the same name.

Mr. Alpert is either immortal or they can move the island through time which would imply that Jacob (as indicated by Locke) does intend to move the island through time.

And Claire: “Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’m with him”
Uh, right. Don’t worry. He’s just my dead father who somehow got me to follow him up here and leave my baby behind with Sawyer and the ghost whisperer…

That was priceless! They just looked like two little boys pouting after a fight sharing the misery of awaiting punishment…

I know!!! I have never been more confused, but I know I’m gonna enjoy the ride!

“What would Hurley do for an Apollo bar?”

(Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

-He’s going to give it laxatives and prune juice? :slight_smile:

My first thought was of the Beast’s castle in Krull, appearing in a different place every day. Definitely could explain how things from all over the world have ended up on this island, and vice versa.

Dude, Claire’s dead. Totally dead. That’s why she’s not worried about that baby which she is usually squawking about. Don’t get me wrong, I like Claire, but she’s whiny. Or, she was when she was alive.

I think this has got to be it. I don’t think Locke asked the right question, somehow, and I don’t think that his interpretation of the answer is necessarily correct, but I do think that they’re going to attempt to move the island in time.

My friend has suggested that the device under Keemy’s arm is protection from Smokey. That got me thinking, because I had read on the internets that the device is a prop made from a KORG MA-30 metronome. Therefor, if Smokey can in fact detect one’s guilt or innocence… having a metronome could be a form of camouflage. As George Michael puts it, “Guilty feet ain’t got no rhythm”.