Losing my Buffy viriginity (maybe)

I would have to agree with everyone who said you jump ahead if you feel you are not engaging. for me, one of the best things about Buffy and Angel have to do with all of the ways that the stories build on one another. Due to work schedules I was not a full time viewer during the TV run, so I was really able to appreciate how different the episodes were when I saw all of season one and two as they came out on DVD.

I have to admit I am a little jealous that you get to experience this for the first time. I still love them all, but the first time you get so much out of them. Have fun!

prepare for the the week of Whedon!!! DFX
Starting wednesday…

My gods! Someone else who’s seen and loved “Better Off Dead”! I make BOD jokes all the time and no one GETS them. Even after I explain them! Just last night I said “Merci buckets” to a co-worker and no one got it. It disappoints me greatly.

Add me to that list, Apollomy!! I love Better Off Dead ! OMG, Mom Kim Darby and her insane family meals…LOL! I see Frak Party, Rach !!

Armando, have you watched any Angel? Cuz I like string music, but don’t really know anything about it. But I like simpler stuff like the Angel theme. Any recommendations, either classical or contemporary? I inherited my dad’s respectable collection of classical music, so I may well have some good stuff sitting around.

Okay, fill me in a little bit. I’ve only seen two eps of Buffy so far now. And Angel …or rather a character named Angel was in both.
Is he the same Angel in Angel? Same actor? Just wondering.

The show Angel is a spinoff of Buffy. It is the character Angel from Buffy living in LA as a private investigator. And yes it is the same actor.

There are many folks who prefer Angel because it’s a bit darker and has more adult themes. And you don’t have to have seen Buffy to enjoy Angel - though it does help as there were occasional crossovers.

Thanks Lady Muffet!

Any time Sir Thot. :smiley:

It is the character Angel from Buffy living in LA as a private investigator. And yes it is the same actor.

And Boreanaz became a MUCH stronger actor as the series went on. He really got to shine in the spinoff.

Lady Muffet? An evil love child of Miss Muffet and Lady D? :eek:

Oh yeah. He’s shiny, all right.

I read an interview with him recently where he mentioned how much learned about acting during Angel. I would agree with him, and other here, he is much better as the series continues. I really like him on Bones too!

Sounds good to me, just name the date! (I may have to pick it up on DVD though. I think only have it on VHS, and I no longer own a VCR.)

Agreed! At first on Buffy, he seemed a bit forced and wooden. By the time his run on Buffy ended, and Angel started, he was much more relaxed and natural. Now on Bones, he’s really fun to watch.

You got that right, SSA!

Just another Whedon whore adding his two cents.

Buffy really found its stride in Season Two. Early episodes suffer from the creature of the week syndrome, but you’ll want to watch all of them because the history builds on itself. The dialog is wonderful, even in early episodes, that’s just something Joss has always been good at. The actors grow into the roles and the characters and their relationships develop into something a lot deeper. By the time you hit the later seasons, there is so much backstory that a simple phrase, sometimes even a look, can remind you of prior episodes.

I could ramble on more, but suffice to say, I recommend this show highly. Stick with it and you won’t regret it. As for Xander, he improves muchly by Season 2 and by 3 he’s great in his role. In Season One’s “The Pack”, you’ll see a hint of it. By Season Two’s “Halloween”, you’ll like him. When you get to a Season 3 episode called “The Zeppo”, you’ll love Xander. He’s awesome.

Like so many others have expressed, I wish I could forget them all simply so I could go back and watch them all anew. Even so, I’ve watched the entire series about four times, and many individual episodes much more than that. Enjoy!

I started watching buffy again a few weeks ago and I cant believe I didnt watch this show when it first was on.

The dialogue is witty and Ive just fallen in love with the characters.

And the whole magic as a euphemism for lesbianism makes me giggle.

Ah the third season is one of the best, the mayor is just too much fun.

I hated Angel in the Buffy series (except when he goes evil) found him quite weak. But on his show (angel) he was really great

I gotta agree. The Mayor might just be my favorite villain of all time. He’s just so charming, urbane, and Father Knows Best … right up until he’s saying things like “I’m going to eat her.”

I can’t see any other actor pulling off that role, either.

I agree, the mayor giving fatherly advice on brushing teeth right before he kills is really great.