long Michael Emerson interview

Only a month old AP interview with the one and only Michael Emerson.


I’m just rewatching the 2nd half of Season 2 and it reminds me why Damon and Carlton kept him around.

I’m not sure but I think I walked right next to Michael Emerson yesterday. I was walking to another building in Manhattan and this guy walks out of the local photo studio. He looks like Michael Emerson and he caught my reaction out of the corner of his eye and quickly ignored me. I tried to be nonchalant because I wasn’t sure.

As we walked I continued to peek a look. I had a battle with myself, “Is it? Nah. Well, could be? Nah. Yeah. It’s him. It’s got to be. Nah.” Then he turned and walked into the local bakery.

I’m still not sure but he looked really like Michael Emerson. The only thing that bothered me was that he was really tall and Ben Linus did not look tall next to Sawyer and Jack. Hmmm, IMDB says 5’8". Couldn’t have been him. I’m 6’1" and he was about my height. Then again, he could have been wearing heels. I didn’t check his footwear.

We’ll never know it it was him.

Have heard from a few people that they were mistakenly thot to be him.