Links to Whofandom's Best

For all of us Whofans in the whodumps this no-whoseason, I thought I would start a thread for links to good whofandom made stuff. It’s not Who, but it should satisfy the Who Ya Ya’s for a little while.

My suggestions are the following two:

  1. The 10 Doctors Comic. If you liked the Three Doctors, or the Five Doctors or the Two Doctors or Time Crash, you will love this free on line comic. This comic has been going on for years now. Written and drawn by Canadian artist Richard Morris, it starts on the Eye of Orion as 10 sits moping about the lose of Rose. Soon Rose and 9 pop by, then all of the other doctors but 8. Where is 8 and why are all of the doctors popping onto this place at this time? The drawings are black and white and can be a bit rough – but is a whole lot of fun!

  1. Pretty much anything by Babelcolour on YouTube. This fellow is amazingly talented. He is colourizing some scenes from OldWho and enjoys putting together trailers for Who episodes, both real and imagined. He has also put together tributes to each of the doctors as well as the master and companions. He has his own Channel.


A fairly good primer for the new fan who may not have an understanding of the Who history. (Though I disagree with the part human bit)

This link is to his trailer for a fictional movie on the Time War.

If you haven’t seen any of the old episodes, there are trailers of a number of classics including Genesis of the Daleks, the five doctors and one of my favourites, The Talons of Weng-Chiang.

So, feel free to comment on the links above and add your own. I’m keen to see what treasures are are out there.

Wow. Very nice. Thanks for this.

For those of you that need more podcasts to listen to (what? 2 Hours of GWC isn’t enough for you?) check out DWO Whocast or Podshock