Life is teh suck today because (a.ka. the official B_tch & Moan thread)

Funny. In the old days (back in the dark ages when I was a middle-schooler) it worked like this:

90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
64-69% = D
<= 63% = F

But I understand that most schools now use 70% as the “You got an ‘F’ kid. And ‘F’ stands for ‘Fail’ you stupid frakin’ loser” breakpoint.

That’s pretty much what I had in parochial school: a D (<70%) was a failing grade. Public schoolers could drop down to F (<60%) before they failed.

That would in fact be the motivation for the change…

Well, think about what a D is. It means you sucked a lot, but not enough to outright fail. The academic settings I’ve been in a student can’t get credit for anything below a C+, so a D is just as bad as failing.

My complaint today is just a tiny little gripe: I wish I had photoshop and the ability to use it. My birthday wishes are starting to feel grossly inadequate compared to the impressive arrays one sees from other regulars (check out Keara’s thread. It’s frakking incredible!).

Still, I take heart in knowing that it’s the tought that counts. :slight_smile:

Hey - I’m just copping clipart off some of those free clipart sites. :smiley: I actually have Photoshop on my PC at work and I pretty much have no idea how to use it. And that’s after a 2-day “Intro to Photoshop” class…:o

If the recent posts in Keara’s thread are like the first few, no Photoshop necessary: Just search google images for “junk.” Except don’t type “junk”…

Shatner is equipped for all occasions.

You spelled thot wrong.
I’m sorry. I’m going to have to give you an “E” for your spelling grade.:eek:

Life is teh suck today because I just finished crocheting an entire hat only to discover that a size Q hook is not an adequate substitution for a size P hook. Normally, 1 letter difference equals about 0.5 mm difference in diameter, so going up or down one size doesn’t make much difference. The difference in diameter between P and Q is 5.75 mm. This hat is so big, it covers my whole head… I have to deconstruct the whole thing and start over. It looked kind of big throughout the construction, but it’s supposed to be floppy. sigh

Ok folks. I’m pretty upset today. And I think you all know why.

With breakfast this morning I was looking at the December 1st issue of People magazine: The Sexiest Man Alive Special Double Issue with pics of the Top 129 Smokin’ Hot Men. What the frak, you guys! I looked through the list twice (cuz I figured maybe they got some photo labels mixed up or something) and I was fraakin’ not included…again!! This is like the 5th year in a row.
Didn’t ANYONE submit me for a nomination?!! Did you miss the deadline for submissions? Did you forget to put the right postage on it?
I am hurt. Really hurt.

Hugh Jackman :mad:…I say psbbspphhtttttbbh to Hugh Jackman.

Oh. Oh. I have a big head. Send it to me!!! :smiley:

We tried Thot. I think People magazine is blocking you from participating.

I am also Photoshop and graphics impaired. that’s what the google image search is for

I thot as much. Bastards.
Well, at least I’ll probably still get Time Magazine Man of the Year…unless they give it to that whathisname guy who won the Presidential election.

Well, that’s one thing Google image search is for. It’s also useful for…ooops, sorry… this isn’t the gutter thread, is it?

So do I, and really, it’s just too big:

I’m just gonna stop at the craft store on my way to the 'rents and get a size P hook (and probably gorge on some more yarn, too. I really wanna try some alpaca yarn, but I’m afraid to since I’m allergic to sheep’s wool…). But if you really want one, PM me. I’ll give you the GWC hook-up. :smiley:

Wait, is that what you showed us earlier? The color is pretty different in that lighting! It’s very cute, though. Very nice, job well done.

Ah well, I should just go looking for clip art then. D’oh!

No, that was a scarf I scrapped. It was just too thick. I’m working on another one with two of the three yarns that were in that one. No pics of it yet, but I’ll get some later and post 'em.

Well of course he is. He’s Shatner. “No tears for Caesar,” “Name on the building/door,” “warp speed,” “why am I always the last one to find out about these things,” and all that jazz…