I am done with going anywhere outside of my house.
Had to call 911 on one guy tonight and almost had to call on another.
First guy apparently did not understand that we don’t like to play weave you car into other people’s lanes for fun here in Texas (he was from California). He’s the one I called 911 on.
Second guy seems to want strangers to teach his offspring physics lessons in the real world. We are pulling into a parking space at a local strip mall when almost instantly the back passenger door flies open and a kid pops out. My brother slams on the brakes so that we don’t give said physics lessons (we don’t have the proper credentials). As the “mom” gets out of the front passenger door my brother says something to the effect of “you need to tell your children to watch for cars before getting out.” To which she responds, “oh, they are just excited.” (they were going to SubWay)
So, we decide at that point that the whole issue is over. However, they keep turning around as they are walking giving us drop dead looks. When they finally get into the SubWay they are constantly staring back at us trying to kill us with their looks. I give them the “what’s the problem” look (we were headed next door). The “dad” then decides to come over and “discuss” the situation. He pretty much tells us that since we are adults children should not have to watch for two ton cars pulling into a parking spot. After that it pretty much went downhill into accusations of our sexual orientation and threatening to “kick our asses” after he gets his food. We leave at this point and take a very circuitous route home.
This is not mentioning the seeming dozens of other clueless idiots we seemed to encounter journeying to and from our destination that did not involve potential fisticuffs.
So, we are ordering pizza now…hopefully this works out better.
Again, I am never leaving the house again unless I just absolutely have to.