Legacy #25

If there’s anything that makes the SW universe so much like BSG, it’s the “it’s all happened before…” bit. Watching the Krayt’s “Empire” split and play games seems just like watching the previous Empire fall apart – or the Republic, or the New Republic, etc.

And Cade is such a favorite. He’s much more the kind of “Jedi” (quotes made with fingers) that I could imagine being – without the death sticks, though. I’m a weenie that way.

C’mon Chuck…one little death stick ain’t gonna hurt ya (Let the peer pressure begin)

Cade does have a good point–jedi should be looking into assassination in cases like this. They did it with Caedus…should do it here too.

Of course, I can’t help but strike a comparison here to Quinlan Vos – or for that matter his great-great-whatever Luke. Each took their walk on the dark side, and each had a hell of a rough time returning.

This is so much like we discussed a few podcasts back: living “right” or “wrong” isn’t about making one big decision; it’s about every single decision we make. Every time we take a step the wrong direction it’s just that much harder to right ourselves, and if we wait too long we can find ourselves irretreivable – or so close that it at least seems that way.

Yarrr…tis true. Really like the idea that the Jedi are really as splintered as they seem to be. Having the one cohesive unit for as long as they did didnt seem realistic

Wondering if they are going to go into what happened to the Solos