Lawrence of Arabia 8/31 @ 8PM ET

David Lean did a fantastic job showing the vastness of the desert. I get thirsty watching this.

Do you think they used a “day for night” technique for this?

Yah, me too. I had to go turn down the AC to 60. :slight_smile:

“Nothing is written.”

Infidel !!

I think Ali finally likes L.

What a beautiful shot - sunrise and Gasim walking.

No doubt. The shooting schedule was probably horrible anyway.

Cool, how one of the boys sits waiting for L to return.

The logistics involved must have been beyond belief.

This is a great series filled with tension and accentuated with the images of the sun. The sun is the villian of this film.

Meanwhile back at the watering hole…

The whole audience is searching the horizon as well. Waiting…waiting…

Good. Yes so true. I’m sweating just watching this.

Great scene and music, when the boy meets the returning Lawrence.
Very cool !

A true leader willing to die to save just one man. Stubborn. But a man worth their respect.

The hammer is the sun’s penis.

Nice Kirk-style roll. :slight_smile:

He reveals his illegitimacy. A new name and burn his old life. The desert changes you.

I give it a 6.5

Well, he was young. And it was several years before Kirk, so he really didn’t have anything to work from. It could even be argued that Shatner copied him. :slight_smile:

Enter Anthony Quinn! Another awesome scene.

Blasphemy. Infidel!!